奇幻 浪漫愛情 LGBTQ
2019 實體與數位同步
人可以打翻咖啡、打翻醋罈子、一竿子打翻一船人,但就是千萬別打翻橋上的一缸金魚。 圓滾滾的金魚瞬間游出天空,其中一隻還被歐陽晴河一口吞了下去。 自稱天使的男孩與女孩立刻揪住晴河,冷冷恐嚇: 「總之,是你打翻的,你要負起責任。」 為了保住小命,晴河只能手持紙製魚網,開始「撈金魚」 哪知金魚都還沒撈到半條,就殺出各路牛鬼蛇神。
People can knock over coffee, knock over vinegar poppies, a pole to knock over a boat, but don't knock over a tank of goldfish on the bridge. The rolling goldfish swam out of the sky in an instant, and one of them was swallowed by the Ouyang Qing River. The boy and girl who claimed to be angels immediately caught the river and threatened coldly: "In short, you knocked it over, and you take responsibility." In order to save small lives, Qinghe can only hold paper fishnets, began to "fish goldfish who know goldfish have not fished half to kill all the way out of the ghost snake god."
放學途中意外打翻魚缸還吞了隻金魚, 晴河平凡的生活自此一去不復返。 讓人眼花撩亂的繽紛世界在眼前展開, 前所未見的裏街住人除了新奇,更是危機。 吞了金魚就會變成金魚根本是詛咒好嗎! 死都不想變金魚的晴河努力撈金魚(誤)……咳, 是找回兩個甜食控天使口中的義理憂解聖賢者, 在經歷差點被開膛剖腹搶金魚又險些淹死後, 竟然說他是「狩牲犬」的主人? 「我是狩牲犬,犬良神。」 是忠誠於你,直到我壽命的盡頭──只屬於你的狗。
After school accidentally knocked over the fish tank and swallowed a goldfish, Qinghe's ordinary life was gone forever. A dazzling and colorful world unfolds in front of us, and the unprecedented inhabitants of Lijie are not only novel, but also a crisis. Swallowing a goldfish and turning into a goldfish is simply a curse, okay! Dead goldfish do not want to become the clear river fishing effort goldfish (mistakenly) ...... Well, getting back two sweets worry moral principles control the mouth of angels solution saints who, after almost being cut open laparotomy grab goldfish in experience and nearly drowned, and say Is he the owner of the "cat dog"? "I am an animal dog, Inuliang God." I am loyal to you until the end of my life-a dog that belongs only to you.
看似日式、 但四個字其實是不分開的念法, 對此沒什麼堅持; 平時好像多半也會以拆野自稱。 筆直A型,幸運數字是6。 跟這名字一樣有點莫名其妙、 看似有著什麼原則, 然而實際上隨興得沒有原則的舉止, 就是我進行的最艱難的創作。
Seemingly Japanese But the four words are actually inseparable, There is no insistence on this; It seems that most of them will call themselves Kaiye. Straight A, the lucky number is 6. It's a little strange like this name There seems to be some principle, In fact, however, he behaves with no principle, It's the hardest creation I've ever done.
The novel was adapted into a STEAM game and fundraising activities have been completed https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jinyu"