浪漫愛情 情慾耽美
2020 數位出版
No one knows where love sprouts, just lose yourself in it.
作者Ching Shui
出版單位Star East Press,a Division of Cité Publishing Ltd.
版權擁有 城邦文化事業股份有限公司春光出版
鏡水耽美作品集12冊 ★暢銷言情天后鏡水--最經典揪心BL耽美作品精選,華麗登場!★ 情不知所起,一往而深。所有愛、恨、嗔、癡,纏綿糾葛,熱戀傷痕,酸甜苦虐,深情摯愛,盡在她的筆下綻放。 過著普通大學生勤勞節儉打工生活的安苑清,突然和學校裡最出鋒頭的大帥哥左棠成為了室友,在他還沒意識到發生了什麼事時,那雙灼熱、發亮的眼眸已經牢牢鎖定了他!
The indulgence in beauty novel collection of Ching Shui in 12 volumes ★ A selection of the most heart-touching BL novels by the best-selling romance writer Ching Shui are presented with fanfare. ★ No one knows where love sprouts, just lose yourself in it. Love, hate, anger, ignorance, and entanglement. Wounds of passionate love. It tastes sweet, sour, and bitter, and feels torturous. True and profound love bloom in her writing. 《ROOMMATE》 An Yuan-Ching is an ordinary college student working part time and living a frugal life. Suddenly, he becomes the roommate of the school’s most gorgeous and popular guy — Tso Tang. Before he becomes aware of what is happening, Those hot and glittering eyes already locked him fast.
Ching Shui published her debut novel Head Over Heels in 2001, winning popularity among book lovers. She became Taiwan’s queen of romance immediately. Her narration is delicate, tender, and exquisite, touching people’s hearts. Up to now, she has published more than fifty novels. In recent years, she has started writing BL novels, all of which have become best-sellers.