人身上若纏繞著黑霧,他知道那是生命即將到盡頭的信號。而這次死亡的黑霧卻纏繞在線上遊戲裡所心儀的女孩…… 二十歲時,陳信瀚出了一場車禍。從此他竟有了異能,知道哪些人即將走向死亡;在這些人身亡以前,陳信瀚都在他們身上看見了黑霧──代表死亡的「信號」。 那日傍晚,陳信翰看見被黑霧纏繞的主管,卻錯失挽回的機會;他從此害怕出門,藉著線上遊戲遠離日常,並在遊戲中喜歡上貼心且善於傾聽的夕梨。 某天,夕梨再三央求見面,陳信瀚強打起精神赴約,卻在臨別之際看見黑霧從夕梨身上竄出──陳信瀚眼睜睜地看著夕梨搭上列車遠去,他只能回到遊戲中,試圖阻止夕梨與疑似男友身分的玩家接觸:那可能就是讓她身陷危險的原因。 陳信瀚想起自己曾意外進入主管的黑霧中,進而目睹了兇手。 究竟是誰讓夕梨身陷危險?若想看清楚兇手的臉孔,陳信瀚就得克服心中經年的恐懼,也就是推開房門,走向人群。
Straight-A student Chen Hsin-han had a car accident when he was twenty. Since then, he has gained a supernatural power that allows him to see the black fog emitting from those who are about to die. In an incident, Hsin-han misses the chance to save his boss and after the tragedy, he becomes so frightened of going out that he confines himself to his home. He escapes from reality via playing an online video game and falls for a girl called “Hsi-li” who he meets in it. When Hsin-han meets up with Hsi-li in real life, he catches sight of black fog emitting from her. In order not to repeat the mistake he made before, he overcomes his fear and goes out to search for Hsi-li, who has gone missing since their meeting. He then discovers that Hsi-li seems to have been lured into “The School”, an internet seduction community known for manipulating the users.
Wu Xiaole is a writer. Her debut novel, On Children, was adapted for a PTS television drama and is available on Netflix. The Chinese-language television adaptation rights to her two other novels, The Privileged and No Secrets between Us, have been sold and the books have been published in Korea.