
Formosa X

歷史 冒險


17世紀,大航海時代。各方人馬為了東方商品,渡海而來。在這場海權爭霸中,李旦突破大明海禁,建立武裝船團,招攬顏思齊、鄭芝龍等人,成為縱橫東西方勢力的海上巨頭,被歐洲人尊稱為「中國甲必丹(Captain)」。 世界邊緣的小小島嶼,漢人的化外之地——臺灣,映入各方勢力的眼中。福爾摩沙群雄匯聚,將島的命運推向新的篇章。

The 17th century, the age of the great sea. People from all over the world came across the sea for goods from the East. In this sea power struggle, a man who always wears a smile, Li Dan, showed up. Taiwan, a small island at the edge of the world, was reflected in the eyes of various powers.


作者Li Lung-chieh


出版單位Gaea Books

版權擁有 蓋亞文化有限公司

#臺灣歷史 #航海

#Taiwan history #Navigation #Japan #Dutch


17世紀,大航海時代。各方人馬為了東方商品,渡海而來。在這場海權爭霸中,一個總是帶著笑容的男人——李旦,突破大明海禁,建立武裝船團,招攬顏思齊、鄭芝龍等人,成為縱橫東西方勢力的海上巨頭,被歐洲人尊稱為「中國甲必丹(Captain)」。李旦的終極目標,是建立一個不受任何勢力拘束,只屬於海商的貿易天堂。 世界邊緣的小小島嶼,漢人的化外之地——臺灣,映入各方勢力的眼中。1624年,李旦、顏思齊、鄭芝龍、日本人濱田彌兵衞、荷蘭東印度公司宋克博士、利邦上尉⋯⋯福爾摩沙群雄匯聚。合作與爭逐,野望與夢想,男人們的對決,將島的命運推向新的篇章,為往後風雲擾動的臺灣歷史,揭開序幕。 作者考據多方史料,以東方海上霸主李旦的一生為中心,靈活詮釋東印度海上近五十位歷史人物,帶出大航海時代盛景。 目前已入圍第13屆金漫獎年度漫畫獎(10月將揭曉得獎名單)。

The 17th century, the age of the great sea. People from all over the world came across the sea for goods from the East. In this sea power struggle, a man who always wears a smile, Li Dan, showed up. He broke through the Ming Dynasty's sea ban, established armed ship corps, recruited Yan Siqi, Zheng Zhilong and others, became a maritime leader who dominated the East and West, and was honored by Europeans as the "Chinese Captain". Li Dan's ultimate goal was to build a trading paradise that was not bound by any power and belonged only to sea merchants. Taiwan, a small island at the edge of the world, was reflected in the eyes of various powers. In 1624, Li Dan, Yan Siqi, Zheng Zhilong, the Japanese Hamada Yabei, the Dutch East India Company Dr. Sonke, Captain Libang... gathered here. Cooperation and competition, ambitions and dreams. The dueling of the men brings the fate of the island to a new chapter, and opens the curtain on the turbulent history of Taiwan in the future. The author draws on a variety of historical sources, centering on the life of Li Dan, the dominant sea lord of the East, and flexibly interprets nearly fifty historical figures on the East Indian Sea, bringing out the grand seafaring era.


  • 體裁規格 頁漫
  • 類型風格 歷史 、 冒險
  • 出版狀態 已發行
  • 出版方式 實體與數位同步
    • ISBN(實體) 9789863196051
    • ISBN(數位) 9789863196181
  • 篇幅長度 短篇(對應單行本1本)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 李隆杰 Li Lung-chieh
  • 作者簡介

    本名不詳,生卒年不詳,經歷成謎的臺灣漫畫家,著有《覺醒人間-螂女飛翔傳》、《動物衝擊頻道》、《台灣超級機車》與《新世紀北港神拳》等漫畫作品。 2016年以《怕魚的男人》獲得日本外務省第9回國際漫畫賞優秀賞。 2018年以《1661國姓來襲》獲得臺灣文化部第9屆金漫獎年度漫畫大獎。

    Li Lung-chieh is a Taiwanese comic artist. Some of his works include “Roachgirl” and “Taiwan Determination: Legend of Beigang”. His work “Ichthyophobia” won the Silver Award at the 9th International Manga Award, and the Best Comic for Young Adults at the 7th Golden Comic Awards in 2016.“Koxinga Z”won the Best Comic at the 9th Golden Comic Awards in 2018.

  • 出版單位 蓋亞文化有限公司 Gaea Books
  • 銷售實績
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結


  • 媒合目的 版權交易 、 跨域改編
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 電影 、 遊戲 、 劇集 、 表演藝術


  • 曾經進行版權交易



專頁成員 9

作品數量 62

蓋亞文化成立於2001 年,致力挖掘並出版華文原創作品,同時譯介出版歐美、日本、韓國暢銷奇幻小說,並開拓非小說書系。旗下出版社包括輕小說品牌「魔豆文化」與圖文漫畫品牌「原動力文化」,另營運漫畫連載平台「GO 原漫基地」與「基地書店」實體書店,致力推廣台漫閱讀、發展國人原創小說與原創漫畫,以培養台灣創作新鮮力為宗旨,並與CCC編輯部合作出版發行《CCC創作集》等,且與影視經典作品植劇場合作改編漫畫。

Founded in 2001, Gaea Books is a Taiwanese publisher, and a kingdom of memories and imagination. We devote ourselves to scouting gifted authors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. In the meantime, we introduce the popular works from Europe, USA, Japan, and South Korea to readers in Taiwan. In 2009, Gaea Books started a new brand, Dyna Books, to publish graphic novels and comics, and to find a different way to tell stories - through visual arts.










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