“八戒”是懶惰、貪吃、愛把妹的代名詞,更是愛現反骨,尊崇享樂主義,散發黑色幽默的諧星~什麼減肥、考績、工作阿都是明天的事,最重要的只有---當下夠不夠開心快活! 對未來茫然?不用擔心,每個人都一樣。「Tomorrow Never Knows」明日未知,所以才要用力地活在當下!
PIGSY is the synonym of a person who is very lazy, great foodie, and loves to pick up girls. Diet, performance appraisal, and work is tomorrow’s problem. The most important thing for him is to have enough fun at the moment. Are you uncertain about the future? Don’t worry, everyone feels the same. “Tomorrow Never Knows”, that’s why we ardently live in the moment.
#八戒 #西遊記 #經典改編 #未來 #科幻 #黑色幽默 #明日未知 #原創IP品牌 #IP授權 #動畫
#PIGSY #Journey To The West #Original IP #Sci-Fi #Future #Black Humor #Tomorrow Never Knows #Licensing #Animation
八戒以黑色幽默,貼近青年生活,開創對未來生活的想像,並以品牌化的概念衍生出電影、電視、遊戲、漫畫、抖音、專輯…等,藉由品牌創造青年與世界溝通的管道,陪伴青少年度過狂放不羈卻又徬徨迷網的時刻。 “八戒”電視影集《未來宅急便》獲眾多國際獎項,包括:美國Best Shorts Competition卓越獎、芝加哥Chicago Indie Film Awardds最佳電視影集、印度Calcutta International Cult Film Festival電視影集出色成就獎、臺灣金鐘獎最佳動畫節目獎、入圍美國New York Independent Cinema Awards與保加利亞Golden Kuker-Sofia International Animation Film Festival…等。 正在拍攝的同名電影,不僅入選金馬創投與法國安錫動畫影展Partners Pitches,更獲得新加坡ATF Animation Pitch首獎,並經Animation World Network、Animation Xpress、Screen Daily、Variety…國際知名媒體報導,預計將於2023於全球上映。
PIGSY, with his dark humor and close proximity to youth life, creates an image of future life and develops a branded concept that leads to movies, TV shows, games, comics, TikTok, albums, etc. Through the brand, PIGSY creates a channel for communication between youth and the world, accompanying young people through the wild and confused moments of their lives. The TV series "Pigsy Express " featuring PIGSY has won numerous international awards, including the Best Shorts Competition Excellence Award in the United States, the Best TV Series at the Chicago Indie Film Awards, the Outstanding Achievement Award for TV Series at the Calcutta International Cult Film Festival in India, the Best Animation Program Award at the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards, and has been nominated for the New York Independent Cinema Awards and the Golden Kuker-Sofia International Animation Film Festival in Bulgaria. The eponymous movie currently in production has been selected for the Golden Horse Film Project Promotion and Partners Pitches at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France, and has also won first prize at the Singapore ATF Animation Pitch. The movie has been reported by international media such as Animation World Network, Animation Xpress, Screen Daily, and Variety, and is expected to be released worldwide in 2023.
-美國Best Shorts Competition卓越獎
-芝加哥Chicago Indie Film Awardds最佳電視影集
-印度Calcutta International Cult Film Festival電視影集出色成就獎
-美國New York Independent Cinema Awards入圍
-保加利亞Golden Kuker-Sofia International Animation Film Festival入圍
-新加坡ATF Animation Pitch首獎
-法國安錫動畫影展Partners Pitches入選
-國際知名媒體報導:Animation World Network、Animation Xpress、Screen Daily、Variety…等。
●The TV series "Pigsy Express " featuring PIGSY has won numerous international awards. -United States Best Shorts Competition / Excellence Award -Chicago Indie Film Awards / Best TV Series at the -India Calcutta International Cult Film Festival / Outstanding Achievement Award for TV Series -Taiwan Golden Bell Awards / Best Animation Program Award -New York Independent Cinema Awards / Nominated -Golden Kuker Sofia International Animation Film Festival / Nominated ●The eponymous movie currently in production is expected to be released worldwide in 2023. - Singapore ATF Animation Pitch / First Prize - Golden Horse Film Project Promotion / Selected - Annecy International Animation Film Festival Partners Pitches / Selected -The movie has been reported by international media such as Animation World Network, Animation Xpress, Screen Daily, and Variety.
●IG https://www.instagram.com/pigsy_express8/
●Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@pigsy1934/featured
●官網 https://www.studio2.com.tw/
●The TV series "Pigsy Express " featuring PIGSY. -Content Licensing Platform:PTS/ MyVideo/CATCHPLAY/friDay/HamiVideo