懸疑 LGBTQ 靈異
2021 實體與數位同步
Lu Yi-Yang is a student in mater degree. He is a optimism and people usually likes him at first sight and the ghost likes him as well. Yi-yang are sensitive to the supernatural things, too. Once day in an accident, Yi-Yang met policeman Yeh Dong -Hai and Dong-Hai's roommate Xia Chun Qiu. Xia Chun Qiu seems doesn't like Yi-Yang, however he save Yi-Yang's life in the end. Later on, Yi-Yang met Dong -Hai's police team leader Gao Huai Tian, and have a close relationship with Huai Tian in the end. Furthermore, Yi-Yang met Du huai-Yin and Han Yao Ting through an supernatural event, who have relationship with Xia Chun Qiu. From all these people and events, Yi-Yang starts to learn his true identity and his destiny to become the ruler of Hell...?!
本書一共出版六冊,微靈異風的現代幻想BL,靈異感不會過重,膽小讀者也能輕鬆閱讀,架構完整。 故事中配角眾多且個性鮮明,各自的故事交待豐滿,透過多視角將故事拼湊完整。筆法純熟,劇情發展也合情理。 主角陸以洋在故事中,就是從一無所知一路成長,他熱情善良卻衝動,時常就是因他闖出來的禍推動了劇情,如同《火影忍者》中的鳴人,或是《哈利波特》的主人公一般,孩子的成長路上總伴隨著跌跌撞撞,偶爾也讓人看得咬牙切齒,但這就是必經過程,步步強化了角色的魅力,也是經久不衰的創作體裁。 作者文筆清淡淺白,卻總能恰如其分的營造氣氛、表達動人情感,即使對一開始的故事線各有想法,讀者對於結局幾乎是一面倒的熱烈好評,感覺意猶未盡。故事埋了不少懸念,也都一一解決,或直接解答,或婉轉交代,在閱讀上兼具意趣又不燒腦。 文中的男男CP們各有不少擁護者,女性角色們的故事卻也受到一致好評,像是高曉甜,被分屍的學妹等,絲毫不遜有感情劇情加持的CP們,也是讓人回味不已的意外之喜。
Lu Yi-Yang is a student in mater degree. He is a optimism and people usually likes him at first sight and the ghost likes him as well. Becasue Yi-yang has an auro which makes ghost like him, sometime Yi-yang can see them, too. He usually being asked favors by ghosts to accomplish their wishes. Yi-yang also usually followed by ghosts, these events makes him feel sorry for the family members or room mate who live with him. One day in mid night, Yi-Yang was riding a motorcycle on the street, heading home, Yi-yang bumped into a policeman who seems randomlly ask him to do sobriety test. Yi-Yang did it, but the police officer insist to give him a ride in the end without explanation. It turns out to be there's a ghost on Yi-yang's motorcycle, and the policeman can see the ghost. Yi-yang starts to live with the police officer's place, the reason is that the policeman, Ye Dong -Hai, came from a Taoist priest family. His family member can help Yi-yang with such problem. The story begins with Yi-yang's life with many events occured, and most of them to do with ghosts and murder, also with the friends he makes and help him to solve those cases. There are 6 volumes in total, for more information about the series, please contact our agent.
蒔舞,出道二十年,出版作品達40本,乃台灣少數創作不怠且持續穩定出書的作者。在台灣BL圈是頗具知名度的創作者。 代表作品有《示見之眼》、《寧安社區管理室》、《紙人堂》、《莫逆於心》、《巫者》、《薩維爾的魔法師》等。
Shi Wu, she's been writing for more than 20 years. She's also well known by BL readers in Taiwan for her works. Her works includes: <The Eye>, <NingAn Community>, <Paper Puppy>, <Jin Zhi Yi Zhi Mo Ni Yu Xin>, <Wizard>, <The Wizard on Savile Row> ect.
Contact: JS Agency Co., Ltd (http://www.jsagencytw.com/)