奇幻 喜劇 青春校園 浪漫愛情
2019 實體與數位同步
She and the unrelated brother accidentally exchanged their bodies, they must live with each other's identities to avoid being treated as a different kind, and at the same time find a way to change back.
夏寧甯的媽媽再婚後,她多了一個爸爸,也多了一個沒血緣關係的「哥哥」簡丹,天天和簡丹鬥嘴讓她的生活充滿歡樂。寧甯喜歡簡丹的好友,風靡全校的男神瑾琛,但當簡丹說他也暗戀瑾琛的時候,寧甯就偷偷決定要幫簡丹追愛。 她和簡丹參加社團活動發生意外,醒來發現自己居然跟簡丹互換了身體。早上她的靈魂會在簡丹的身體裡,晚上則是回歸自己的身軀。他們不敢告訴別人,怕被當成神經病,只好學習對方的行為舉止,扮演對方,以免露出破綻,同時想辦法變回正常狀態。靈媒同學發現簡丹跟寧甯有問題,也找了許多方法幫助兩人,卻都徒勞無功。 寧甯偶然得知瑾琛交的女朋友都是煙幕彈,他一直喜歡著簡丹。寧甯非常疑惑,不明白為何簡丹心知肚明卻故意騙她?而他們能換回身體的關鍵方法,竟掌握在簡丹手上……
Ning's mom remarried when Ning was 11. At that time, Ning got a new family and she met her stepbrother Dan. Dan was very nice, the way he treated Ning was like they were close friends. When Ning was 19, she had a crush on Dan's classmate Jing who was famous in their school because of his good-looking face. Jing was just like the prince charming in a fairy tale. But one day Ning noticed that Dan liked jing as well, she decided to give up and help Dan. However, Jing always had girlfriends, so it seemed hopeless for Dan. Soon after, Ning and Dan had a car accident. When she woke up, she found her soul was in Dan's body. In other words, her body and Dan's were changed. In the morning, her soul was in his body, and then they changed back at night. They could not tell other people because they were afraid of being seen as two lunatics. So Ning needed to act like Dan and he tried to be girly. A special friend who had a supernatural sense knew Ning and Dan were in trouble. He wanted to help them, but it was in vain. Later, when Ning was in Dan's body, Jing told "Dan" that he liked Dan and that all his girlfriends were fakes. Furthermore, Jing made it clear this was not the first time he had confessed his feelings to Dan. Why did Dan say he was not loved by Jing? Why did Dan lie to Ning for such a long time? It made her confused. The reason why Dan kept telling lies was that he had always loved Ning. The key to becoming normal depended on Dan. He needed to tell the truth and they would be able to change back.
路痴,曾經不小心把山豬騎上高速公路,然後被警察先生趕下來。 飯痴,覺得白飯加海苔肉鬆是全世界最好吃的東西沒有之一。 龜痴,和家人一起養了兩隻巴西龜,兩隻都胖得理直氣壯。 狗痴,在路上看到狗狗會眼冒愛心,情不自禁地尾隨。 懶癌末期患者;內在浮誇,外在低調。 夢想世界末日那天,天空會下起乳牛雨。 個人專頁:www.popo.tw/users/apei0816 FB粉絲團:牛牛阿南吃牛腩
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