女性 愛情 喜劇
Women who have not been chosen as mothers use reproductive technology to play the role of mothers. For the birth of life, there are wonderful sparks between men and women in metropolis...
孕育,是生命的起源,是希望的種子,是夢想的延續。 中國人重視傳宗接代,不孕問題向來是家庭劇甚至古裝宮鬥戲裡常見的題材。加上現代人普遍晚婚,錯過了生育的黃金時期,於是,有更多的夫妻為了不孕問題而苦惱。未被揀選為母親的女人,藉助生殖科技,跨越了長久以來的界線,訂做了母親的角色。 《期待好孕》以喜劇方式呈現代理孕母目前的幾個可能尋找管道,分別是未婚孕母、已婚孕母、中性孕母、印度孕母,以及親人孕母。藉著女主角--經營貿易公司的女強人王舒荷尋找代理孕母的過程,探討的是探討女性想成為母親的需求。為了生命的孕育,都會男女間衝撞出精彩的火花…
Breeding is the origin of life, the seed of hope, and the continuation of dreams. "Mother's Journey" uses a comedy way to show several possible channels for surrogate mothers to find. They are unmarried pregnant mothers, married pregnant mothers, neutral pregnant mothers, Indian pregnant mothers, and relatives pregnant mothers. Explore the process of finding a surrogate mother by the heroine, Wang Shuhe, a strong woman who runs a trading company The discussion is to explore the needs of women who want to be mothers. For the birth of life, there are wonderful sparks between men and women in metropolis...