科幻 犯罪 驚悚
After an accident, a butterfly researcher acquires an ability to time-loop to save her dying daughter by finding the extinct butterfly . However, she must be faster than the serial killer she created.
「我只想留給你更好的世界。」 蝴蝶學家紫樺,為了保護台灣瀕危的「紫蝶幽谷」,不幸錯失了病重女兒的最後一面,自此封閉自我,埋首生物磁場與絕種蝴蝶「大紫斑蝶」的研究,不料,一場突如其來的實驗意外,竟讓她獲得了時空能力,將記憶傳送給過去的自己。 大難不死的紫樺,多次穿越,只為拯救女兒,卻始終無法回到病發前的時間點,,眼看次數越來越少,唯一能突破極限的方法,竟是找到現跡的大紫斑蝶,重啟實驗;殊不知,當新的冒險就此展開,每一項決定的代價,不只改變未來,影響生態,更引來了名為「Psyche」的連環殺手,而這一切都跟女兒的死,以及所有實驗有著密切關係。 時間就此倒數,鮮紅的獵殺,支配起世界的未來,被害者與紫蝶構成的時空拼圖,將成為拯救摯愛的關鍵。
Zi-Ye, a lepidopterist (butterfly researcher) missed the last chance to see her daughter, who was suffering from a serious illness. After her daughter passed away, Zi-Ye devotes herself to the research of a magnetic field installation - Psyche, as well as the Euploea phaenareta juvia, an extinct crow butterfly species. During an experiment, Zi-Ye unexpectedly acquires the ability to transmit her memories back to the past. Zi-Ye survives a deadly experiment. She starts trying to rescue her daughter despite the limited chances. But no matter how hard she tries, Zi-Ye is never able to travel back to the exact point in time before her daughter became ill. The only way to break through such a limit is to find the extinct Euploea butterfly and restart the experiment. However, every decision comes at a cost, deeply affecting the future and the ecological system, as well as releasing a serial killer also named Psyche. A bloody hunt dominates the world’s future. The space-time that the victims and the Euploea butterflies construct together, becomes the key to rescue their loved ones.