懸疑 犯罪 恐怖 驚悚
2016 實體與數位同步
婉霖的六歲兒子每至半夜便發燒,來回數日,沒醫生能診斷出病因,兒子更說他看見一位老伯用沾滿泥巴的髒汙雙手從屋外穿透玻璃窗掐住他的脖子,但他的房間卻位於大廈十一樓。婉霖經朋友介紹初識靈術師,據說他法力高深、具備中醫與藥材知識,面對靈異常滔滔不絕,各式炫學信手拈來,但他所施行的醫療和法術,與婉霖的認知格格不入。另,一名犯人於闇夜殺人分屍的搬運過程,見男屍倏然變為女屍,更張眼瞪視犯人,並經歷女屍浮起並上吊的異象。犯人吃起吊死者腳下的土砂,遂執行一場綁架行動,要對方為過往一切付出代價。婉霖得知先生遭綁架。面對小孩身體異常,先生又遇襲失蹤,她壓力累積,不得不接受一個非以西方科學構築出來的靈界觀。但,真相真是如此嗎? 本作含本土民俗與歷史記憶,以真實文獻、炫學知識,遊走於理性(科學)與非理性(超自然)的邊界線。疑點恍若雜亂無章,但在多線敘事中逐漸拼湊成一張完整的奇異圖像,真相亦在合乎邏輯的推演中暢快淋漓。
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever been told about forbidden taboos in folklore? Have you ever heard that earthbound spirits would seek and seize their replacements, or did you have psychic experiences such as eerie spirit encounters? There are a sequence of weird and obscurely mysterious happenings in Southern Taiwan: a murderer, while attempting to dump the dismembered body parts, spots the severed head change gender from male to female, whose eyes then inconceivably turn wide open, back alive, glaring at her killer; a little girl who will have a new father, is oddly becoming awfully sick, saying that she has something stuck in her throat, and no one can diagnose the reason why; and a young boy, when deep darkness falls, will run an unexplained high temperature, mumbling to his mother that he sees dirt-clad hands of an old man creep in through the windowpane, but his room, bewilderingly, is situated right on the 11th floor of the tall building. All the mysteries remain unfathomable till an eccentric named Jian-xuan Song turns up to unravel the intricate thread. Song is a slovenly maverick often dressed in horse-riding hakama, with unkempt hair and beard, always pulling a long face to everybody. He possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of everything ranging from celestial bodies to microorganisms to quantum physics, even to moral philosophy. He behaves like a loner, a brilliant recluse and a Taoist-Buddhist hermit who is said to excel at spell casting, traditional Chinese medicine and herbology, and above all, performing the unorthodox siu-kiann, a ritual intended to remove people's misfortunes and sufferings. His magic spells are his deadly weapon, and the antique figure painting in his house, The Sixth Patriarch Cutting the Bamboo, will reveal a profound insight into a staggering universal truth.
Zhou-Dong has been an English teacher for over 16 years.His works of mystery often convey a strong literary sense of Taiwan's locality, with story settings actually in Taiwan. His published works include The Knife in the Palm of Huineng's Hand and The Wings of the Crippled Crane.