日常 隨筆(圖文)
The most sincere documentary as a new father.
全本以淡墨手稿繪製,在彷彿嬰兒膚觸的溫暖筆調中,更貼近的表達不懂得怎麼當爸爸的焦慮,以及更多與孩子相處時得到的驚喜與領悟。 常言道「男人都是當了爸爸之後才開始學習如何當爸爸的」,實則我們小時後似乎也未曾學習如何當個兒子,幼獸只是隨本能任意妄為,常常忽略父親的存在,要等到自己有了孩子,不經意從口中講出當年父親對我們說過的話,才驚覺父親的影響早已內建在我們的生命之中,世界一直在變,當年父親對付小孩的套路也不盡然合乎時宜了,我們只能靠自己的智慧見招拆招,摸索著殺出一條生路來。 「當年爸爸在想些什麼呢?他有什麼樣子的焦慮呢?看著自己還在強褓中的孩子是什麼樣的心情呢?一直到自己有了孩子忙得不可開交的時候,我突然對當年的老爸充滿了好奇,看著孩子慢慢的成長,彷彿自己重新活過一回,學著當爸爸也才開始體會老爸當年之苦。 但是,總要在好久之後,這兩個世代才有彼此理解的可能。
The most sincere documentary as a new father. "Men will not start to learn how to be a father until really become a father" This is a gentle and soft comic full of the very true feeling of being a father . There are of course anxious, but also countless moment of surprise , happiness and realization while spending time with kid. It is also about understanding his own father . Noticing himself talk to his kid just like how his father talk to him 40 years ago . The difficulty he is facing now , is what his father has encountered before . It is after all this years , that the two generations can finally understand each other.
Famous commercial director and comic artist. Directed more than 500 TV commercial and drew six comic titles in the past 30 years.