日常 非虛構
A vast red field on Ta-Tu Mountain in Taichung. In front of the Chio-Tian Xuannu Temple, there is always this impressive scene: the exhilarating shouts and the powerful sound of drums. The youngsters sweat like rain to train their physical skills and practice their movements day after day, they are the Chio-Tian Young Beats.
#inspirational #passionate #juvenile growth #traditional culture
陣頭技藝、狂傲少年,尬出鮮明火花! 每個鼓掌的一瞬,都是最溫柔的祈福。 臺中大肚山上一片廣闊紅土,九天玄女廟前恆常深刻此景:慷慨激昂的吶喊、令人熱血沸騰的鼓聲,揮汗如雨鍛鍊體能,日日苦練走位、精進動作,那就是九天民俗技藝團。 叛逆獨行浩男,因最愛的阿嬤生病住院而暫居九天宿舍。聽昔日鐵拳江湖的前輩道盡實理真情,見團員齊心彼此鼓舞,感受師母的關懷無限溫暖,從前仗義不惜命的少年,人生將迎來改變? 另一位叛逆少年鐵雄,常常打架鬧事,卻相當重視友誼。在父母和樂、有個善良體貼的妹妹的溫暖家庭下,逐漸走向歪路的鐵雄,卻走不出父母離異、父親因吸毒去世的陰影。家人的關心也照不進他內心迷惘而孤寂的黑暗迷宮。就在此時,他與九天團員們和跟他處境相仿、曾經拳拳到肉交流過的浩男相遇…… 人氣漫畫家阮光民至心描摹,社會即景中隔代教養、父母離異的游離少年們,熱血又迷惘的成長探索歷程。
A vast red field on Ta-Tu Mountain in Taichung. In front of the Chio-Tian Xuannu Temple, there is always this impressive scene: the exhilarating shouts and the powerful sound of drums. The youngsters sweat like rain to train their physical skills and practice their movements day after day, they are the Chio-Tian Young Beats.
風格清新乾淨,筆尖幽默和感性兼備,擅長描繪屬於社會的獨特溫馨故事,富含濃厚的人文關懷與細膩的家族、親子、人性糾葛等微妙情愫,而台灣道地的草根式風土人情,更透過漫畫中的一磚一瓦、一草一木精采詮釋,所想傳遞的溫柔俯拾皆是。 作品有《幸福調味料》、《用九柑仔店》、《天橋上的魔術師 圖像版》等。 2020獲第十一屆金漫獎「跨域應用獎」、「年度漫畫獎」 2017獲第八屆金漫獎「青年漫畫獎」、「年度漫畫獎」
As a comic artist, Ruan Guang-Min's works are full of human spirits. He is good at portraying local people's life in Taiwan in his works where readers can find the Taiwanese values. He works include Dong-Huachun Barbershop, The Seasoning of Happiness, My Heaven Restaurant, Light and Darkness and Yong-Jiu Grocery Store. Among of these, Dong-Huachun Barbershop and Yong-Jiu Grocery Store have been adapted into TV drama. In addition, he created a comic version for stage show: Human Condition and illustrated The Illusionist on the Skywalk.