奇幻 靈異 日常
A college student who are indifferent to things start to see "ghosts" because of an accident. From unwilling to accept it to beginning to help each ghost fulfill his wish, in the process, I also solved the misunderstanding that my classmate was killed by myself when I was a child, but I found that a female ghost who was right next to me seemed to be related with me.
心願未了,就算成了鬼仍然想要完成… 那如果連自己都忘了,又該如何完成呢? 男大生杜安意外落軌差點車禍身亡,被救起後開始看的到鬼魂,一群鬼跟著他回家,這群鬼表面開開心心蹦蹦跳跳的,其實都抱著遺憾而死。 原本死氣沉沉的杜安,從半推半就到心甘情願幫忙每個鬼達成心願,因為他發現鬼沒有想像中那麼自由,一樣有後悔、想完成、想逃避的事,跟「人」一樣、就跟「自己」一樣…。 這些讓他領悟到活著的可貴,原本懦弱、視而不見的個性逐漸改變,終於能坦承面對小時候目睹同學被霸凌卻見死不救一直存在的罪惡感,這讓他個性變晦暗的事件,導致對生活感到厭倦,遇到感情問題就想拋棄自己的生命。 「冥冥之中,早已注定。」 坦然面對自己不想承認的一切後,竟然發現小時候被霸凌的同學根本沒有死,還是每天見面的游泳教練! 那記憶中死了的那個人到底是誰? 杜安發現答案…似乎在身邊,這個一直徘徊不離開的失憶女鬼身上,她是來贖罪?還是索命? 真相也將隨之水落石出…
It was a suicide incident that caused Duan to accidentally can see ghosts, He was forced to help ghosts of different identities fulfill their last wishes and leave the world. However, there was an amnestic ghost who wandered around and did not leave, causing him to have nightmares. The encounter between humans and ghosts resolved the shortcomings of each other’s lives. He looked at the ghosts who faced everything calmly, and began to change their escape personality. He had the courage to face the female ghost with amnesia, and found that she was the sister who drowned to save her, Duan can finally let go and grasp life.
With three different pseudonyms – HUANG Chia-li, KUANG-HSIA Chia, and Jelly WEI - Published separately comics in the teenage girls, BL( boy’s love) and local folklore. The works focus on local life and folk traditions.