其他 歷史
寫作一步一步地揭開我內心黑暗的世界。 —— 七等生
ALean Soul examines the life and works of Taiwanese novelist Qi Dengsheng.
七等生,臺灣最受爭議的小說家。 1967 年,七等生在《文學季刊》發表了臺灣文學史上著名短篇小說《我愛黑眼珠》,主角李龍第在末日洪水中,選擇拯救妓女而無視妻子的作為,引起文壇 極大的討論與爭議。當年評論家認為,這類離經叛道、萎靡頹廢的文學作品,恐影響國家安全而應杜絕。從此,七等生極富自傳色彩的小說,被批評為深奧 艱澀的個人主義或虛無主義。然而,在時代的推移洗練下,七等生卻成為影響 後世文壇最重要作家之一,並被稱為臺灣「內向世代」作家的開端。 《削瘦的靈魂》紀錄片以導演口述旁白和小說文本字幕,描摹出這位臺灣當代最受爭議小說家的家庭、童年、挫折、愛情。
ALean Soul examines the life and works of Taiwanese novelist Qi Dengsheng. The filmmakers were able to obtain in-depth interviews not only with Qi's closest friends and relatives, but also with the notoriously camera-shy Qi himself. The film also vividly dramatizes many passages from Qi's intensely autobiographical works of fiction. The result is an intimate and candid portrait of one of the most important and controversial Taiwanese writers of the last fifty years.
觀摩放映 | 2020 台北金馬影展 |
Selected | 2020 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival |
入圍 最佳紀錄片、最佳視覺特效 | 2021 台北電影獎 |
Nominated in Best Documentary 、 Best Visual Effects | 2021 Taipei Film Festival |