科學 益智
This is a program for children and youth to learn culinary and science.Other than the host and scientists, a master chef robot joins together to answer everyone's questions.
這是一部結合烹飪和科學知識的兒少節目。以烹飪技巧單字(如煨、烤)為主題、試吃辨別烹調手法開場、並用有趣的動畫呈現每一道名菜背後的小故事。最後再由廚藝科學家在棚內示範以科學實驗做料理、小朋友在外景實作,讓他們親自體驗料理背後的知識與由來。除了主持人和科學家外,擁有豐富知識的小神廚機器人,也會一起為大家解謎。 第一季,烹調方式包括:蒸、煨、炒、燉、勾、烤、焗、煮、糟、煎、滷、炸、燒、燻、風、醃、爆、煲、凍、煸、醬、燜。 第二季,10集用科學區分不同的烹調方式-包括烘、發、涮、酥、貼、撞、封、燴、捲;6集是味覺科學系列,酸甜苦鹹鮮辣。
This is a program for children and youth to learn culinary and science. In each episode, keywords related to culinary skills, like simmering, and grilling are used as the theme. The program opens with a cuisine tryout to distinguish culinary skills, and uses amusing animation to tell a little story for each cuisine. At the final part of each episode, the science chef would show us how to cook through science experiments. Children in the show make hands-on practices to experience, and learn the knowledge and story behind each cuisine. Other than the host and scientists, a master chef robot joins together to answer everyone's questions. The cooking approaches include steaming, simmering, stir-frying, stewing, thickening, grilling, baking, poaching, fermenting, pan-frying, red braising, deep-frying, coddling, smoking, drying, marinating, tempering, boiling, freezing, sautéing, re-frying and braising. These ten episodes adopt scientific methods to distinguish different cooking approaches, including baking, fermenting, rinsing, deep-frying, pan-frying, mixing, sealing, stewing, and rolling. Six episodes among them explore a series of taste, such as sourness, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, savory and spiciness.
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