犯罪 刑偵 懸疑
2020 實體與數位同步
The victims of a series of brutal murders share something in common – they had all broken the law. The Chief Inspector suspects that the murders are the work of a serial killer, but he does not have sufficient evidence to prove his suspicion. On the night of the local election, the prosecutor finds out that the city councilor had committed a crime. Shortly after, the city councilor is found dead. The death of the city councilor puts additional pressure on the investigative efforts. The Criminal Investigation Squadron must find the killer meting out his private brand of justice.
兩個月前,打著餐飲大亨幌子,暗地裡卻是販毒集團負責人的林清源,才剛保釋就慘遭鞭笞割喉。 現在,又爆發了震驚鄉鎮的無頭女屍兇殺案。偵查隊經由各種交友軟體的側錄,發現死者沈曼莉交友複雜,可惜找到的涉嫌者不是有不在場證明,就是沒有殺人動機。 隨後,性侵繼女的獸父被流浪漢發現陳屍一座蚊子館內,嘴巴被閹割下來的性器堵住,窒息而死。 偵查隊隊長研判這幾件兇殘命案可能是連環殺手所為,但連環殺手一貫的手法、專屬的記號、專用的特徵都很薄弱,且缺乏確鑿的證據足以佐證。 另一方面,檢察官經多時明查暗訪,於九合一大選當晚,指揮海上巡緝艇及特勤員警破獲大宗毒品走私案,幕後主嫌竟是連任的新科市議員。然而走私並製造毒品、經營地下賭場及人蛇集團的他,卻在同一晚死於自家營造所承包的建案大樓,讓偵查隊承受極大的破案壓力。 是哪來的連環殺手,為了什麼動機,不惜以身試法懲治罪人,伸張私法正義?
Two months ago, Lin Ching-Yuan, who ran a drug cartel behind the smokescreen of a food and beverage empire, was brutally murdered right after he was released on bail. He was found to have been flogged and had his throat cut by the killer. Now, another shocking murder has rocked the town. A new victim has been found, but all that is left of her is a headless body. Data retrieved from various dating apps lead the investigative team to conclude that the deceased Shen Man-Li led a prolific social life. Unfortunately, all the suspects either had alibis or have no motive to murder Shen Man-Li. Some time later, a scumbag father who sexually assaulted his stepdaughter is found dead by a homeless man in an abandoned building. He died of suffocation with his severed penis in his mouth. The Chief Investigator suspects that these murders are the work of a serial killer, but there is a lack of conclusive evidence to support his deduction, for there are hardly any patterns, calling cards, or signatures left behind by the killer. Meanwhile, after a long investigation process, a prosecutor finally cracks a drug trafficking ring on the night of the local election. Under the command of the prosecutor, maritime patrol ships and Special Duty Police Officers seize a large amount of smuggled drugs. The law enforcement agents also find out that the prime suspect behind the drug cartel is the newly re-elected city councilor! Besides producing and smuggling drugs, the city councilor has also been operating illegal gambling dens and running a human trafficking ring. On the very night that the drugs are seized, the city councillor is found dead in a building constructed by his own architectural firm. These latest developments put the investigative team under even greater pressure to solve the case.
"Yan-Heui Sher, who worked at the Dept. of Medical Informatics of National Cheng Kung University Hospital and then acted as a consultant of SYSCOM Computer Engineering CO., enjoys writing some essays about his workplace, family, parent-child and travel in various newspapers and short novels as well in his spare time. ""The Murder of Justice"" is his first attempt to write a long detective & crime novel, and the second related novel ""The Murder of DNA"" is also published in the following year."