音樂劇 音樂劇場
2019 舊作巡演
Adapted from one of Ang LEE’s most renowned films, Eat Drink Man Woman, the musical pictures a classic traditional Asian family and its dilemma. While his daughters are making life choices which may break their family routines, Chef CHU seems making up his mind to reveal a secret as well…
李安經典電影改編音樂劇盛大開席 這是一齣描述家庭解構再重組的戲,也是21世紀人們仍然在面對的經典命題-藝術總監冉天豪 老朱是個廚藝了得的國宴大廚,他在廚房中依舊呼風喚雨,廚藝遠近馳名,卻只有助手老溫知道老朱正在逐漸喪失味覺。而他在家中的精心料理,卻不受女兒們的青睞。老朱的三個女兒恰如不同風味的料理:大姊家珍性格保守壓抑,姊代母職,時常讓兩個妹妹神經緊繃;二姐家倩獨立且叛逆,卻又最得老朱的手藝真傳;三妹家寧情竇初開,面對愛情懞懂天真。當三姐妹都忙於應付人生裡新出現的困境與轉機時,朱家餐桌上的豐盛菜餚更開始顯得多餘,而原本約好每月一次的固定聚會,也開始因為追求者梁伯母的闖入而開始漸漸荒唐走味...。
Based on Ang Lee's most renowned film. A flavorful story about everyone's family feast. Mr. Zhu is a master chef of Chinese cuisine state banquets. Despite his exceptional culinary prowess, the elaborate dishes he cooks at home do not find favor with his three grown daughters. And the daughters are as different from one another as cuisines can be: Jia-zhen, the eldest daughter, is conservative and self-restrained; Jia-qian, the middle one, is independent and recalcitrant; and the youngest daughter Jia-ning, bewildered and child-like, is experiencing her first awakening of romantic love. As the daughters are occupied dealing with new challenges and opportunities in their lives, sumptuous dishes on the dinner table become redundant, and the monthly family dinner gathering gradually goes stale.
Comprised of some of the best musical talent in Taiwan, Perfect Match is committed to the branding of Mandarin musicals and has produced five original musicals since it was founded in 2013. The troupe’s artistic director Jan Tien-hao is spearheading a model of bolstering musicals writing, production and marketing simultaneously. In addition, Perfect Match Theatre is running medium and long-term grassroots programs to build audiences, which include holding lecture-concerts, producing online musical talk shows, and launching outreach projects at schools and in rural regions. It is set on taking up the torch to build a sustainable future for Mandarin musicals.