1234567 我的朋友在哪裡?

Howdy My Friend!

劇情 家庭 其他



This miniseries shatters Chinese New Year taboos in the story of 10-year old Ah Wen, who discovers his ability to see and communicate with spirits, helps spirits fulfil their final wishes & find their way home.

導演Tan Seng Kiat

導演Tan Seng Kiat

編劇Ang Siew Hoong

編劇Ang Siew Hoong

製作人Tan Seng Kiat

製作人Tan Seng Kiat

版權擁有 Astro Malaysia





Ah Wen, who discovers his ability to see and communicate with spirits after his “third eye” somehow opens. From fear to understanding, Ah Wen & friends begin to help spirits fulfil their final wishes & find their way home. This series has 10 episodes with 30 minutes per episode.


  • 體裁規格(單集長度) 30-60 分鐘
  • 體裁規格(一季集數) 6-10 集
  • 類型風格 劇情 、 家庭 、 其他
  • 作品狀態 已發行
  • 製作狀態 原創劇本
  • 目標觀眾 兒童
  • 導演 Tan Seng Kiat Tan Seng Kiat
  • 編劇 Ang Siew Hoong Ang Siew Hoong
  • 製作人 Tan Seng Kiat Tan Seng Kiat
  • 長度(分鐘) 30
  • 集數 10
  • 其他補充資訊

    Cast: Chandler Phua, Coby Chong, Freddie Wong

    Cast: Chandler Phua, Coby Chong, Freddie Wong

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的


  • 曾經進行版權交易


Astro Malaysia

專頁成員 2

作品數量 9

Welcome to Astro, the biggest content aggregator in Malaysia. We bring you the most innovative and up-to-date programme formats from comedies, dramas to lifestyle. We are also the home to Malaysia’s biggest blockbuster movies including Ola Bola and The Garden of Evening Mists. Our brand is amongst the most recognised game changers in Malaysia and Asia as we constantly change the landscape of enter

Welcome to Astro, the biggest content aggregator in Malaysia. We bring you the most innovative and up-to-date programme formats from comedies, dramas to lifestyle. We are also the home to Malaysia’s biggest blockbuster movies including Ola Bola and The Garden of Evening Mists. Our brand is amongst the most recognised game changers in Malaysia and Asia as we constantly change the landscape of entertainment.





