
Taiwan Endemic Species

日常 美食



In Hsinchu, everybody rides a meatball to school and gives a bath to dried persimmons. In summer they find aiyu jelly in the river, watch dumpling swimming competitions, and have apple buns as their pets. In this world, food is human’s best friend.




出版單位Creative Comic Collection

版權擁有 CCC創作集 Creative Comic Collection

#食物擬人 #特色小吃 #青春成長

#Food personification #Local snacks #Coming-of-age


新竹人都騎貢丸上學、幫柿餅洗澡、暑假到河邊撈愛玉、看粽子辦游泳大賽、小學生必養蘋果麵包…… 在這個世界裡,食物都是好朋友! 每個新竹人在12歲這天,都會得到自己的夥伴貢丸。 剛升上六年級的阿新,看著好朋友小竹跟大霖和貢丸們玩耍,既羨慕又有點嫉妒! 因為阿新的生日在9月1日,距離他與自己的貢丸相遇,還有整整一整年呢! 以單元劇的短篇集描寫六年級這一年,阿新和朋友們和各類新竹特有種的溫馨小故事!

In Hsinchu, everybody rides a meatball to school and gives a bath to dried persimmons. In summer they find aiyu jelly in the river, watch dumpling swimming competitions, and have apple buns as their pets. In this world, food is human’s best friend. Every kid in Hsinchu will get a meatball friend at the age of 12. Xin, who just got to sixth grade, gets jealous that all his friends already have their own meatball friends and could hang out with them but he has to wait for another year to turn 12. A short series that tells the story about Xin’s sixth grade life with his friends.


  • 體裁規格 頁漫
  • 類型風格 日常 、 美食
  • 出版狀態 已發行
  • 出版方式 數位出版
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 篇幅長度 長篇
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 茜Cian Cian
  • 作者簡介

    新竹人,台灣新銳漫畫家,《台灣特有種》為首部商業連載作品。 參與製作作品包括:金鐘動畫短片《小兒子》、台灣吧「小黑啤玩臺灣系列」繪本、桌遊及動畫、影片美術設計、三采出版社《只是開玩笑,竟然變被告?:中小學生最需要的24堂法律自保課》1-2集書籍內頁插畫。

    Born and raised in Hsinchu, Taiwan’s new comic author, “Taiwan‘s endemic species ”is his first profited comic series. His works includes: Golden Bell Award winning animation “My little boy”, Taiwan Bar “Beeru” Picture book series, film art designer, illustrator for “I get sued for a joke?: 24 Law classes for elementary and middle schoolers” published by Suncolor.

  • 出版單位 CCC創作集數位平台 Creative Comic Collection
  • 銷售實績 ※Basic Data CCC platform accumulated more than 190,000 views, 28,349 hearts, 957 comments, all three indicators average at top 5 in the whole platform. ※Internet feedback 1. Internet KOL “30jknono” collaboration recommendation. 2. Vtuber “No. Fifteen Ch. 15”collaboration live stream reading introduction. 3. Reposted by Big City shopping mall’s Facebook Page. 4. Initiated discussion by C-Chat moderator on PTT. 5. Initiated discussion by Meme moderator on Dcard. 6. Republished by Beanfun! Platform.
  • 其他補充資訊


    1. 網路KOL「30才jk濃濃」合作推薦
    2. Vtuber「瀕臨絕種團十五號」合作直播朗讀介紹
    3. Big City遠東巨城購物中心FB主動轉貼推薦
    4. PTTC洽(C-Chat)版版友主動發起討論
    5. Dcard梗圖版版友主動發起討論
    6. 漫畫星beanfun!平台轉載刊登

    2. 新竹在地雜誌《貢丸湯》vol28特繪「《台灣特有種》X新竹早餐」主題小漫畫

  • 其他參考連結


  • 媒合目的 跨域改編 、 找資金
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 動畫 、 遊戲