

劇情 懸疑 推理



A boy goes missing 15 years ago and makes a mysterious return.....for vengeance or a heartwarming reunion?


導演Lee Thean-Jeen


編劇Joseph Tan


製作人Weiyu Films

版權擁有 Mediacorp TV Singapore




2004 年,還是青少年的 Leonard(李奧納多)、Sami(薩米)、Riza (立紮)和 Jasmine (傑思敏)的烏敏島露營之旅以悲劇收場,因為他們的朋友 Chris (克裡斯)在這次旅程中神秘地消失了。 15 年後,克裡斯在失憶的情況下神秘歸來。 很快地,克裡斯的失蹤和回歸背後的秘密解開了- -這是五個好朋友都希望永遠被封存和埋葬的秘密。

In 2004, a camping trip to Pulau Ubin turns tragic for teenagers Leonard, Sami, Riza and Jasmine when their friend Chris mysteriously disappears without a trace. 15 years later, Chris returns just as mysteriously in a fog of amnesia. Soon the secrets behind Chris' disappearance and return are unraveled - secrets that the five friends will wish had remained dead and buried.


  • 體裁規格(單集長度) 30-60 分鐘
  • 體裁規格(一季集數) 11-20 集
  • 類型風格 劇情 、 懸疑 、 推理
  • 作品狀態 已發行
  • 製作狀態 原創劇本
  • 目標觀眾 男性
  • 導演 李天仁 Lee Thean-Jeen
  • 編劇 Joseph Tan
  • 製作人 Weiyu Films
  • 長度(分鐘) 46
  • 集數 13
  • 其他補充資訊

    Cast : Cheryl Chou, Jamil Schulze, Joshua Lim, Ching Shu Yi

  • 其他參考連結


  • 媒合目的


  • 曾經進行版權交易


Mediacorp TV Singapore

專頁成員 4

作品數量 19

Mediacorp is Singapore’s national media network and largest content creator. Its purpose is to create engaging and trusted content, as well as to connect communities and inspire people. Mediacorp engages over three million people in Singapore daily across four languages on its digital platforms including meWATCH, meLISTEN and CNA.asia, , six TV channels and 11 radio stations.

Mediacorp is Singapore’s national media network and largest content creator. Its purpose is to create engaging and trusted content, as well as to connect communities and inspire people. Mediacorp engages over three million people in Singapore daily across four languages on its digital platforms including meWATCH, meLISTEN and CNA.asia, six TV channels and 11 radio stations. Beyond Singapore, Mediacorp also has a growing international audience through CNA and content distributed across markets. With a focus on nurturing talent and growing the sector, the company is committed to investing in nation-wide initiatives like Star Search, Anugerah, Yaar Antha Star and SPOP, commissioning a wide variety of work from local content creators, and collaborating with institutes of higher learning. As Singapore’s first local Multi-Channel Network in partnership with YouTube, Mediacorp is also committed to developing a network of digital content creators. For advertisers, Mediacorp has partnered industry-leading brands like ESPN, Mothership, Popcorn, Singapore Tatler, theAsianparent, VICE, YouTube and 99.co to form the Mediacorp Digital Network in offering more effective content-driven solutions. Mediacorp is the recipient of industry accolades including New York Festivals, World Media Festivals, PromaxBDA (World and Asia) and Asian Academy Creative Awards.




Grace Chia

Grace Chia







[email protected]