科幻 浪漫愛情 劇情
2022 數位出版
In the post-pandemic dystopian nation U, traditional families no longer exist. Children are reared in groups. Adults are “matched” annually according to infected viral strain. Government (“Institute” led by “Professor”) indoctrinates reproduction to restore population. Darwin, a climate expert pairs up with Mendel, a music therapist. They develop forbidden attraction for each other and fight against the system. With help from AI’s and their friend Pangloss, a pregnant Mendel tries to flee to join Darwin, previously sent to neighboring country. The mission fails and Mendel is captured, but Professor reveals his true altruistic intentions and frees the couple.
疫情顛覆了人的生活。反思人類核心價值:若只為了存活,意義何在? 故事開頭已是浩劫後多年,U國人口於疫情中死傷殆盡,教授帶領機構以科學治國,守持不讓人類滅絕之信念。疫苗接種導致病毒突變為8種病株,成人感染異株者接觸即死亡,男女結合便為檢測後的配對每年更換。生產之嬰兒由機構統一養育,傳統家庭不復存在。 爾文和蝶兒一為氣象局主管、一為音樂治療師,在誤打誤撞情形下成了配偶。爾文殘留父母的記憶潛意識渴望愛,蝶兒在主義教導下長大一心增產報國。兩人起初配對當成例行公事,但相處中萌生感情,朋友樂斯的配偶小萱更以自殺反抗制度。覺醒加上發現自己懷孕的蝶兒,決定賭命爭取與爾文長相廝守。 爾文出差鄰國,被反抗機構的組織綁架,才發現病毒早已減弱,配對制度毫無必要。組織成員包括同情人類的AI,聯手策劃蝶兒逃離U國。蝶兒闖過重重險阻,卻被樂斯背叛交回機構。 萬念俱灰的爾文措手無助,但教授突然出現,告知蝶兒無恙,並透露機構看似矇騙,其實作為有更深考量。爾文不知教授是他的祖父,讓親情回到人間才是教授終生願望。爾文蝶兒攜手離去,前往不知數的未來。 (下一代將於續集回到U國完成更大的目標)
The world as we know has changed radically during the pandemic. This dystopian fiction examines the core value of human existence: if all we care about is survival, what would we lose? In the post-pandemic nation U, the government is dictated by the “Institute” with “Professor” as its leader. Newborns are raised brave-new-world style in groups until reproductive age, then couples are matched annually according to their “viral variant”, an unforeseen complication of the vaccination program that went awry. Vaccinated individuals who survived the pandemic would get infected with a new strain every year, and close contact between different strains results in death. Copulation and births are the Institute’s top priority to restore population, which had plummeted during pandemic. Darwin is an expert using advanced technology to control climate. Still haunted by pre-pandemic memories, he subconsciously longs for human love and connection. In the annual match, he is paired up with Mendel, a music therapist loyal to the Institute and desperate to conceive and give birth to her first child. The couple initially entered the relationship as citizens abiding by their duties, but things change when they fall in love. Their close friends Pangloss and Lily encounter similar dilemma: Lily tells Pangloss she loves him and does not want to break up when the year ends. Eventually Lily cannot overcome her mental conflicts and commits suicide. Pangloss is confused and enraged. Mendel feels guilty for not being able to prevent the tragedy but strengthens her belief that she wants to fight for a future with Darwin. The Institute sends Darwin on a mission to the neighboring nation, where Darwin uncovers a major secret. The pandemic has ended for some time, but nation U still buries its head in a bubble as the Institute attempts to enforce totalitarian rule over its people. Darwin joins the “Organization”, with AI’s siding with anti-Institute defected members. Back in nation U, Mendel finds out she is pregnant and tells Darwin, who plots Mendel’s escape. At the last minute, Pangloss is lured by Institute’s bribe and sells her out. Darwin falls into despair over Mendel’s capture, but surprisingly Professor reveals to him that the Institute’s ultimate goal is to restore pre-pandemic human relationship. Mendel reunites with Darwin and leave for a better world. (Second generation will come back in sequel)
蕭景紋,兒童腎臟科醫師,台灣出生,紐約長大,現居加州。世界日報、皇冠雜誌專欄簽約作家。 孟繁露,筆名夢歸,加州兒科醫師兼廚師,喜好斜槓,打工經歷豐富,作品散見世界日報,皇冠雜誌,人間副刊。
Margaret Hsiau: Pediatric nephrologist, born in Taiwan and raised in New York, currently residing in Southern California. Contributing writer for World Journal, Crown Magazine, and Mirrorfiction.com. Sherry Meng: Pediatrician/culinary expert. Multi-talented, work experiences include chef, barista, and department store clerk. Her writings have been published in World Journal, Crown Magazine, and ChinaTimes.
EBOOK: https://pse.is/4cgkjm