
The Wave Makers



With less than one before the election, the presidential campaign is heating up. In order to get a jump on competitors and create publicity, the publications department has been busy making memes, filming videos, and holding activities. In a startling turn of events, at a convivial vote canvassing breakfast, the candidate is bitten by a dog! A series of ludicrous political maneuverings ensues, and this group of young staffers must deal with constant challenges to their beliefs and are forced to make choices that may go against their values as they deal with their hectic work. When the key moment arrives, will they be able to rise to the occasion?


導演ChunYang Lin


編劇LiYing Chieh


製作人YuLing Lin、ChengEn Chiang

版權擁有 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會

#職人劇 #政治 #選舉 #選戰 #連續劇

#professional drama #politics #election #election campaign #series drama



Legislator and second-generation politician Weng Wen-fang is serving as a spokesperson in the publications department of the Justice Party's presidential candidate. Wen-fang spends every day frantically trying to think up topics that can increase support for her candidate and dampen the opposing camp's attacks. When a sexual harassment scandal unexpectedly breaks out within her party, Wen-fang finds that she is at odds with the party's habit of sweeping embarrassing problems under the carpet. Unhappy with political practice, she decides to set off on her own path. Having spent a good number of years in the political world, veteran staffer Chen Jia-jing has long neglected his wife and kids due to his work duties; his wife is now requesting a separation, which poses a major dilemma for him. As the campaign enters its climax, Chen gradually begins to make his own living arrangements. Zhang Ya-jing—a newcomer to the publications department—is shrewd, quick-witted, and highly resourceful. On several occasions when Weng Wen-fang reached an impasse in her battles with the rival camp, Zhang helps Weng to draft strategies that suit the circumstances. The two women bond due to their shared traumatic experiences in the past, and become inseparable partners. However, Weng does not know about Ya-jing's mysterious comings and goings, which ignite a bombshell in the tense campaign. In her apparently harmonious household, influencer Zhao Rong gradually discovers that her father, who is a vice presidential candidate, was involved in a sex scandal, and gets unexpectedly swept up in the stormy pre-election situation. In the face of challenges to their beliefs and values, can these individuals successfully ride the tempestuous waves?


  • 體裁規格(單集長度) 30-60 分鐘
  • 體裁規格(一季集數) 6-10 集
  • 類型風格 劇情
  • 作品狀態 未發行
  • 製作狀態
  • 目標觀眾
  • 導演 林君陽 ChunYang Lin
  • 編劇 簡莉穎 LiYing Chieh
  • 製作人 林昱伶、江承恩 YuLing Lin、ChengEn Chiang
  • 長度(分鐘) 60
  • 集數 8
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的 版權交易


  • 曾經進行版權交易
    • 版權交易情形


      Provided if required



專頁成員 4

作品數量 34

經過十八年的籌備,公共電視於1998年7月1日成立。透過立法程序,公視法的四個任務為「製播多元優質節目、促進公民社會發展、深植本國文化內涵、拓展國際文化交流」。 公視經營理念,包括建立全民終身學習管道、增進人民對新聞事件和公共事務的瞭解、善盡媒體監督政府的第四權責任、重要議題和觀念的分析解釋;讓民眾認識各國豐富文化、歷史,培養本土關懷和國際視野,並使各種社會團體有公平參與表達的機會,同時播映和典藏重要的影視經典作品、提供華人社會優質的電視節目。

Founded in 1998, Public Television Service (PTS) is the first public service broadcaster in Taiwan. Operated as an independent public organization, PTS aims to provide value-added quality programming services covering a wide range of categories to present the diversity and creativity in Taiwan without the intervention of commercial and political power.




Julian CHENG

Julian CHENG






[email protected]