青春校園 浪漫愛情 情慾耽美
2020 實體與數位同步
It is burdensome to have a yin yang eyes. What is worse for Yi Quan Yu is that he is a psychic. He is easily to be possessed by spirits, especially the spirits would use his body to have intimate contacts with others to meet their wishes! He originally accompanied Yi Quan Yu to the health room; unexpectedly, Yi Quan Yu gave him oral sex. That is totally different from the image he behaves to everyone. Later, Fang Ling Hao knows that Yi Quan Yu has a special physique. When he is possessed by spirits, he must satisfy their needs so that he can get rid of the possession.
本書改編自漫畫《除靈的錯誤方式》,作者草子信相當忠實的呈現了漫畫的內容,在維持原有劇情的同時,以更豐富的情節和敘述將原先的單本短篇漫畫充實得更加完整 體育好功課差,性格直率講義氣的方凌皓,原本一直以為樣樣全能的資優生伊全羽看自己不順眼,結果因為一次意外,他無意間得知了對方的祕密──伊全羽竟然會被靈附身,而且還要滿足靈的慾望後,才能除靈! 兩人的關係,在方凌皓決定擔任幫忙除靈的工作後開始轉變,在一次次的除靈與長時間的相處後,兩人先是從同學變好友,隨著伊全羽的身體被開發得越來越敏感,繼而朝著某方面發展而去…… 熱血義氣的體育類學生╳外表冷淡身體淫蕩的資優生,先性後愛的關係,再佐以些許靈異的橋段,這樣集結了各種美味設定的一道「好菜」,絕對不會讓喜愛這類題材的讀者失望。
The title was adapted form Taiwanese comic <The wrong Way to get rid of Possession>, the writer adapted it into fiction faithfully and put into details to make it more fun and vivid based on the original comic work. After knowing the secret of Yi Quan Yu, Fang Ling Hao is determined to help him. No matter to hang out with him, kiss him, or have intimate contacts with him, he can definitely help! However, they make a deal for only getting rid of possession. Time passes by, they can’t help but to have deep intimate contacts with each other even Yi Quan Yu isn’t possessed by spirits. Yi Quan Yu and Fang Ling Hao are gradually familiar with each other and become friends. However, the more Fang Ling Hao helps Yi Quan Yu, the more sensitive of Yi Quan Yu’s body. Yi Quan Yu is possessed by many spirits, like a kiss spirit who never kissed anyone before death, a virgin spirit who never had sex before, an erotic spirit who liked to flirt with people, and Yi Quan Yu would even pretend that he is possessed by spirits so that he can have sex with Fang Ling Hao. Fang Ling Hao helps Yi Quan Yu to get rid of these possessions with satisfying their desires. However, there is a spirit is good at pretending Yi Quan Yu. At first, Fang Ling Hao didn’t aware, and he just wondered that Yi Quan Yu took the initiative more often recently. Until the spirit reveals his identity and asks Fang Ling Hao to be with him. Fang Ling Hao refuses and finally gets rid of the possession. Yi Quan Yu and Fang Ling Hao confess their affections to each other, they finally stay together. Yi Quan Yu will never be afraid of being possessed by spirits because Fang Ling Hao will satisfy all his needs and desires.
草子信 台灣輕小說&BL小說的代表性作者之一,出版作品遍佈台灣各大出版社。 小黑豹 台灣著名漫畫家。擅長輕鬆搞笑類型的BL漫畫。
Cao Zi Xin: Famous web fiction BL author in Taiwan, having more than 10 titles published in Taiwan. Xiao Hei Bao: Famous BL comic illustrator who's style always interesting and hilarious, readers love her style for many years.