
Girls On the Run

多元性別 紀實 社會議題 政治



Hoping to succeed her father-in-law as a New Taipei City councilor, PENG canvasses around the end of a bridge while being three-month pregnant. Former Sunflower Student Movement participant LIN takes on a role in politics and becomes a Tainan City councilor representing a minor party. This is also the first year of her marriage and everything is about to begin.


導演LIAO Jian-hua




製作人Fan WU

版權擁有 鏡電視股份有限公司


#female politician


2016年,台灣第一位女性總統就任,但五年後,總統任命的政務官仍只有兩位女性。彭佳芸與林易瑩帶著各自的想像,投身政治活動,在跑攤、拜訪選民、質詢與問政之間輾轉,試著取得公眾與個人生活的平衡。擁抱多元性別價值的台灣,又如何能辨認出現實中結構仍隱隱壓制著性別少數的從政者呢?又或者,這些都只是個人的選擇?新世代的政治人物,身為母親、身為妻子、身為她自己,影片記錄了這些正在途中,整裝上陣全力奔跑的議員日常。 作為一名生理心理都是男性的導演,常在身旁女性的身上看見我忽略的、身為一個人可能的多元面貌,不同性別社會位置上的差異。有時好奇,身在看似性別平權、以保障名額達到某種程度性別平等的台灣,是否反而讓我們忽略了仍然存在的隱形困境?即使擁有一樣的起跑點,並不代表會走上相同的途徑,這中間常有很多岔路,我們以為只是個人的選擇,但往往仍有其他隱形的權力結構與主流文化在作用著。

Taiwan’s first female president was inaugurated in 2016. But five years later, the number of female political appointees is still two. Hoping to succeed her father-in-law as a councillor for the districts of Luzhou and Sanchong, Peng Jia-yun canvasses around the end of a bridge while being three-month pregnant. Peng successfully transforms herself from a news presenter to a New Taipei City councillor. Former Sunflower Student Movement participant Lin Yi-ying also takes on a more direct role in politics and becomes a Tainan City councillor for Yongkang District representing a minor party. This is also the first year of her marriage and everything is about to begin. As a cisgender male director, I wonder whether living in Taiwan, a seemingly gender-egalitarian society, has led us to overlook the hidden problems still existing in our society. During the production, I was constantly reminded by the footage that having the same starting point doesn’t mean you will end up on the same path. Paths often divide. Something we thought was just personal choices is often influenced by other invisible power structures and mainstream values.


  • 體裁規格 紀實節目
  • 類型風格 多元性別 、 紀實 、 社會議題 、 政治
  • 作品狀態 已發行
  • 製作狀態 電視試播
  • 目標觀眾 其他
  • 導演 廖建華 LIAO Jian-hua
  • 編劇
  • 製作人 吳凡 Fan WU
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的 版權交易