
Knock Knock

推理 驚悚 懸疑 家庭

2017 數位出版


15 years ago, her brother died in an abandoned hotel when playing the game of tag; 15 years later, she is determined to return to the hotel and play the final game with the killer.


作者LIOU Yan-suei






出版單位Mirror Fiction Inc.

版權擁有 鏡文學股份有限公司

#推理犯罪 #尋兇 #PTSD #手足之死 #心理驚悚

#Crime #MysteriousTown #GameOfTag #Slasher


在偏遠的橫西村有一棟廢棄的旅館,一對姐弟莊怡琳(九歲)、莊東峻(七歲)在旅館玩鬼抓人遊戲,卻發生了悲劇:弟弟莫名慘死,僥倖存活下來的姊姊也留下了難解的創傷——那個殺死弟弟的人曾經和她靠得很近,彼此只隔一扇浴室的門,兇手「叩叩」的敲門聲不斷迴盪在她日後的人生。 十五年後,莊怡琳決心重返橫西找出事件真相。然而,就在她回到橫西後,詭異事件接連發生:死過人的橫西旅館竟重新開張、精神異常女子不斷對她囈語、當地員警一再警告她罷手、老村長奇怪的態度更讓她不知所措。    之後,在短短幾天內有數個七歲男童神祕消失;最後失蹤的,竟是一個九歲女童,與當年命案如出一轍。接著,一把大火把橫西旅館燒個精光,也燒出多年來深藏的秘密。 循著線索拼湊,莊怡琳恍然大悟:原來,殺死弟弟的人一直都在橫西。 「叩叩!」敲門聲再次響起,莊怡琳決心回到橫西旅館,與兇手進行最後的遊戲。 對標影視:《It》

When Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None” takes place in “The Shining” by Stephen King! Mysterious and brain-racking! Fifteen years ago, a nine-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy were playing the game of tag and the seven-year-old boy died in the game. Fifteen years later, “it” decides to capture fifteen seven-year-old boys to make up the fifteen years it has lost. Since the nine-year-old girl has not been caught, the game has to continue… Rumors have been circulating about the horror story of the abandoned Henhsi Hotel. Forty years later, nine-year-old Chuang Yi-lin and her seven-year-old brother Chuang Tong-chun are playing tag in the hotel. However, the tragedy strikes as the boy gets brutally killed and the girl has been seriously traumatised since at one point, she and the killer are separated only by a bathroom door. The knocks on the door have been echoing in her life since then. Fifteen years later, Chuang Yi-lin decides to go back to Henhsi to find out about the truth. Nonetheless, when she arrives, strange incidents happen one after another—the Henhsi Hotel, where people got killed, has been reopened. Soon after that, more than ten seven-year-old boys have gone missing in just a few days. The last child who has disappeared is a nine-year-old girl, and the pattern is exactly the same as the murder committed years ago. Piecing all the clues together, Chuang suddenly realises that her brother’s killer has always lived here. The sound of knocking is heard again. Mustering up the courage, Chuang is determined to play the final game with the killer.


  • 文本體裁 長篇小說
  • 類型風格 推理 、 驚悚 、 懸疑 、 家庭
  • 出版年份 2017
  • 出版方式 數位出版
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 柳煙穗 LIOU Yan-suei
  • 作者簡介

    2015 POPO華文創作大賞 佳作 2016 POPO華文創作大賞 幻想小說組·佳作 2017 鏡文學校園主題徵文 長篇組·優選 2020 原創漫畫暨劇本創作競賽 漫畫劇本組·年度主題獎 出版作品:《記得歲月》《暮》《蜉蝣之軀》

    2015 POPO Chinese Writing Awards - Honorable Mention 2016 POPO Chinese Writing Awards - Honorable Mention (Fantasy Novel) 2017 MirrorFiction Campus Theme Essay Contest - Merit Award 2020 Original Comic and Script Competition - Annual Theme Award (Comic Script Group)

  • 譯者
  • 繪者
  • 出版單位 鏡文學股份有限公司 Mirror Fiction Inc.
  • 作品規格(頁數) 0
  • 作品規格(字數) 95000
  • 銷售實績
  • 其他補充資訊

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  • 媒合目的 跨域改編
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 電影 、 劇集 、 節目 、 動畫 、 漫畫 、 遊戲 、 未來內容 、 表演藝術 、 視覺藝術 、 其他