

懸疑 科幻 驚悚

2019 實體與數位同步


Several university students found a box of videotapes that had been sealed for a long time. They watched the contents which recorded a crazy scientific experiment. After watching the videos, some of them began to see the "ghost", hearing the female student who disappeared 20 years ago, and even seeing her figure!


作者Penny Su






出版單位HaReading Multimedia Co., Ltd.

版權擁有 悅閱多媒體股份有限公司

#科幻 #驚悚 #靈異

#Mystery #Detective #Science


哲學系的高材生鄭立山,在幫教授整理實驗室時,意外發現一大箱神祕錄影帶。 沒來由的被好奇心驅使,他煞費苦心,到舊貨店翻出市面早已淘汰的錄放影機,播放影帶與同學一同觀看。原來,這是20年前一位名叫「李亞陽」的學姊,遺留下來的實驗記錄。 那神祕美麗的學姊,甜美的嗓音,彷彿穿越時光,與身處現代的他們對話。 李亞陽研發了一台機器,這台機器編號M6CYGPW。 「學姐調整頻率成功,這一次不單單拍到鬼影,她還……她還大半個人穿了過去。」 鄭立山重新敘述時才發現畫面有多詭異,半邊身體消失了的李亞陽學姐,欣喜的朝著鏡頭微笑,那種喜悅及快樂,讓她的五官變得猙獰,他無法擺脫那個詭異的畫面。 「嗯……我想,學姐真的打開道『門』,而且成功跨過去了……」 如果那真有道『門』,而李亞陽學姐能跨過去,那……『門』另一端的……人是不是也能跨過來? 無法解釋的怪事陸續在鄭立山的身邊發生,20年前被困在生與死之間的學姊,對他發出了求救信號!

Lishan Cheng, a top student in the Department of Philosophy, accidentally found a large box of mysterious video tapes while helping his professor organize the laboratory. Driven by an inexplicable curiosity, he went to great lengths to dig out a long discontinued video recorder from a thrift store, and watched the videos with his classmates. They turned out to be records of experiments left behind by a former student named "Yayang Li" twenty years ago. The mysterious and beautiful ex-student spoke in a sweet voice and seemed to have traveled through time to communicate with them in the modern world. Li Yayang had developed a machine, which was numbered M6CYGPW. "Sister Li had successfully adjusted the frequency. On this occasion, she was not only able to capture a ghost on screen, but she was even ... able to pass half her body through it." It's only when Lishan Cheng was retelling the story that he realized how eerie the picture was. Sister Li, whose body had half disappeared, smiled happily at the camera. Yet, the joy and delight made her facial features seem hideous, and he couldn't rid himself of the eerie image. "Hmm... I think, Sister Li had really opened the portal of "Tao" and successfully crossed over..." And if there is really a portal of "Tao" and Sister Li was able to cross over there, ... can a person at the other end of the "portal" also cross over here? Strange and inexplicable thing started to happen one after another around Lishan Cheng. His academic sister who became trapped between life and death from twenty years ago sent him a distress signal!


  • 文本體裁 長篇小說
  • 類型風格 懸疑 、 科幻 、 驚悚
  • 出版年份 2019
  • 出版方式 實體與數位同步
    • ISBN(實體)
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 黯然銷混蛋 Penny Su
  • 作者簡介

    她的經典作品改編影視權利金,在2016年時,於大陸市場已估價達500萬元人民幣,創下台灣人小說家估值最高的紀錄。來洽詢改編的製作單位皆為知名上市影視公司。 她的書迷遍佈大陸、港澳、台灣與馬來西亞。但讀者和網友們經常寫錯她的筆名,在入口網站中,搜尋黯然銷「魂」蛋的詞條,或許會得到比正確名稱更多的搜索結果。

    She grew up in Hsinchu and is a Taiwanese. But when the first generation of novel websites in mainland China emerged, she "logged in" to serialize her works, so she has a lot of fans in the Chinese market all over the world.

  • 譯者
  • 繪者
  • 出版單位 悅閱多媒體股份有限公司 HaReading Multimedia Co., Ltd.
  • 作品規格(頁數) 260
  • 作品規格(字數) 140000
  • 銷售實績
  • 其他補充資訊


  • 其他參考連結


  • 媒合目的 版權交易 、 跨域改編 、 找資金
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 電影 、 劇集 、 漫畫 、 遊戲


  • 曾經進行版權交易



專頁成員 1

作品數量 20


Founded in 2014, the HaReading Multimedia Co. Ltd. is mainly operating the story platform called "HaReading Novel Market". The platform currently has over 7,800 writer members and more than 80 authors with long-term cooperation agreements. HaReading has 5 partner companies in Taiwan to publish books. As a source of story industrial chain, we also sell the novels to many E-book malls. Since last year we have exported the copyright of novels to Thailand, Vietnam and Korea.









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