都會城市 職場 情慾耽美
2020 實體與數位同步
Gay architect Xue-Yuan Lu is involved in a sexual assault accedently. In order to attract attorney Xing Xu's attention, He hires Xing to deal with the case as an excuse. More than that, he stalks Xing, and forces Xing for sex. After a lot of argument and rejection, Xue-Yuan learns what love is and gets Xing's love eventually.
同志建築師盧學淵無端被捲入性侵風波,為了證明清白,盧學淵找上律師,卻意外發現委任律師許星是高中時期的暗戀對象。 舊夢重燃,盧學淵日夜尾隨許星藉由許星的心軟步步逼近,甚至強迫與其發生關係。面對一再拒絕的許星,盧學淵愛得既強勢又卑微。 此時,來自尼德蘭的工作邀約為盧學淵的脫序行為畫下句點,怎料收手的決定反倒改變兩人扭曲的關係。 許星不再是高高在上的燦爛星子,盧學淵也不再是不顧一切苦苦追求的摘星人,得以平視的兩人終於開始有談愛的機會。
Gay architect Xue-Yuan Lu is involved in a sexual assault accedently. He hires the attorney Xing Xu to deal with the case. Xing was his high school classmate, and Xue-Yuan has a crush on Xing for a long time. In order to get Xing’s attention, Xue-Yuan stalks him day and night, and forces Xing to sex with him. Xing is bothered about it. However, after Xue-Yuan stops stalking him, Xing feels something is lost. They learn how to love each other correctly.
Taiwanese author. Hoping to combine reality and imagination through writing.