日常 旅行 搞笑
The beautiful and smart wife is about to go to Japan to work. The main character, Mickeyman, remembers traveling to Japan and experiencing the crowded trains and seeing the office workers who always work overtime, making him worry about his wife. Being the perfect husband, he bravely decided, "You're not alone this time! I'll move to Japan with you!" So, he started to draw comics in Japan,but what will happen to his life?
菁英太太將調職至日本總公司,曾獨身赴日,經歷擁擠電車、超時工作的孤獨回憶頓時湧現……身為完美人夫,米奇鰻帥氣挺身:「這次妳不是一個人!」於是颯爽漫畫家升格人夫,嫁妻隨妻赴日定居,即將迎接人人稱羨的軟爛生活(?) 然而在日本生活過後才發現……觀光與定居,生活體驗大不同! 日式職場潛規則、深入當地才知道的微妙景點、商業區午餐尖峰如戰場、從日本節目看不同的國家民情。以及遭逢疫情變故,生活節奏被打亂,在疫情下的切身體會記錄。 漫畫家米奇鰻以自成一格的畫風,描繪古靈精怪的夫妻日常與東京生活的點點滴滴,他四處探索熟悉又陌生的日本首都,也在日常生活中分享平凡而閃亮的夫妻相處之道。
The beautiful and smart wife is about to go to Japan to work. The main character, Mickeyman, remembers traveling to Japan and experiencing the crowded trains and seeing the office workers who always work overtime, making him worry about his wife. The beautiful and smart wife is about to go to Japan to work. The main character, Mickeyman, remembers traveling to Japan and experiencing the crowded trains and seeing the office workers who always work overtime, making him worry about his wife. Being the perfect husband, he bravely decided, "You're not alone this time! I'll move to Japan with you!" So, he started to draw comics in Japan,but what will happen to his life?
非典型台灣漫畫家,從賣畫、賣貼紙起家,並創立「台北不來梅」獨立品牌。現居日本,曾於安古蘭國際漫畫暨影像城駐村。 自2004年起便陸續發表許多自費出版作品與單行本作品,2014年以《最劣歐洲遊記—米奇鰻的貧窮旅行(西班牙、法國篇)》奪下金漫獎單元漫畫類獎項。 2020年出版《最軟!東京人夫日記》,並於「GO原漫基地」持續連載中。
Mickeyman (Liang Wei-Jing) graduated in industrial design, got a job in advertising and quit after three months. He developed his own brand, Taipei Bremen, by street trading and later the new art markets. His work, The Worst Trip to Europe, has been translated into Spanish. In 2015-16, he represented Taiwan at Maison des Auteurs, the renowned artist residency in Angoulême.
1. 橘子漫畫星連載:https://comics.beanfun.com/43
2. PODCAST:https://reurl.cc/2maZjm
3. 台漫銷售國外版權相關專文:https://www.openbook.org.tw/article/p-66621