女人我最大 全方位時尚指標 從2003年9月開播至今,已經20歲! 一直在愛美的道路上陪伴著所有觀眾朋友長大,舉凡化妝、保養、美髮、頂級之夜、穿搭、星座、親子、旅行、公益…等等,各式各樣和時尚相關的話題、發揮女人影響力、做公益回饋社會,都能在節目中呈現。由甫入圍金鐘獎《生活風格節目主持人獎》藍心湄領軍,並於2022年3月31日宣布加入徐凱希、卞慶華為助理主持。節目裡有各領域的佼佼者,帶給觀眾最完整的時尚資訊與娛樂內容。
Queen The complete fashion guide, Since September 2003, the show has grown with fashionistas for 20 years. From makeup, skincare, hairstyle, the night of extravagance, clothing, horoscopes, parenting, travel, to community service, the program presents all kinds of topics on fashion, female influences, and outreach programs to society. Recently nominated for Best Host in Lifestyle Program in Golden Bell Awards, Pauline Lan leads the program with the newest additions announced on March 31st, 2022, Cathy Hsu and Andy Bian. Our program presents dozens of professionals and experts across all fields, offering viewers the fullest fashion insights and entertainment content.
Host: Pauline Lan、Andy Bian、Cathy Hsu
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