⟪Rooftop Zoo屋頂動物園—用不完的願望⟫

Rooftop Zoo-Too Many Wishes

爵士樂 親子節目 音樂劇場

2020 舊作巡演

飛飛公主的生日快到了!屋頂動物園好朋友們紛紛想著要怎麼替飛飛辦一場「世上最棒的生日派對」? 湯米送給飛飛的神祕種子竟然開出「許願花」來!傳說,許願花可以幫壽星實現任何願望~飛飛開心地許下願望,神奇的事情發生了!大家的身體開始發生了變化? 屋頂動物園世界因為飛飛的願望而變得不一樣!到底大家要用什麼方法勸飛飛把大家變回來呢?飛飛能意識到自己的問題嗎?

Fifi’s birthday is coming! Each animal in Rooftop Zoo is preparing a “best” party for her. Tommy gives her a secret sow of the “Wishing Flower”. Rumor has it that wishing flower can make any wish come true. Fifi whisper a wish and something strange happens! How can animals persuade Fifi to give up her wish and make everything go back to normal?

製作團隊安徒生(Andersen)是故事大王,莫札特(Mozart)是音樂頑童。 「安徒生和莫札特的創意」成立於2011年,擅長結合音樂與故事的元素,致力創作適合全年齡觀賞,兼顧藝術與娛樂的音樂劇。藉由創新的營運模式,同時建立表演藝術的教育與培訓機制,積極與國際接軌,活絡亞洲的藝文產業鏈,讓表演藝術走入大眾的生活之中,成為彼此共同的話題、共享的時刻、共創的遊戲,進而讓娛樂的選擇從音樂劇開始。

製作團隊Andersen and Mozart Creative Group (AMcreative) was found in 2011. As a theatrical production group, we focus on musical plays that are suitable for family audience and people of all ages. With innovative business model and collaborations with best talents around the world, we establish our education programs on musical theatre, and determine to infuse vitality and creativity to the performing arts industry in East Asia and all over the world. Our mission -- With musical theatre as an entertainment form, let performing arts be part of our everyday life. Our Services: Theatre Production, Theatre Education, Original IP development, Merchandise Development, and Publishing.

版權擁有 安徒生和莫札特的創意(AM創意)


#RoofTop Zoo、Jazz、Musical Theater、Children


於『屋頂動物園』系列,皆固定提出顯而易見的觀念,加以音樂敘事引導本系列的核心價值『探索自我x解決問題x發現快樂』。 此次主題將探討「能力越大,責任越重」:當你身為魔法師,能實現一切願望,你會想變出什麼呢?藉由《屋頂動物園-用不完的願望》高度想像力的故事,令孩子跟著角色一起冒險探索,進而明白一個道理:「能力越大,責任越重。」即便擁有強大的魔法,也要顧慮他人,不能因自己的欲望而造成別人的麻煩。

In the "Rooftop Zoo" series, we always bring up obvious concepts, guiding the core value of this series by musicals: "Explore oneself x solve problems x discover happiness". This theme will explore "the greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility". When you, as a magician, can fulfill all the wishes, what do you want to do? With the highly imaginative story of "Too Many Wishes", children can explore with the characters and understand "The greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility." Even if you have powerful magic, you also have to concern about others. Mustn't cause others’ troubles because of your own desires.


  • 舞台形式 鏡框舞台製作
  • 類型風格 爵士樂 、 親子節目 、 音樂劇場
  • 首演時間 2020
  • 製作狀態 舊作巡演
  • 節目分級 普遍級
  • 製作規模 單場觀眾人數>800人
  • 作品來源 原創
  • 情節表現 情節
  • 製作團隊 安徒生(Andersen)是故事大王,莫札特(Mozart)是音樂頑童。 「安徒生和莫札特的創意」成立於2011年,擅長結合音樂與故事的元素,致力創作適合全年齡觀賞,兼顧藝術與娛樂的音樂劇。藉由創新的營運模式,同時建立表演藝術的教育與培訓機制,積極與國際接軌,活絡亞洲的藝文產業鏈,讓表演藝術走入大眾的生活之中,成為彼此共同的話題、共享的時刻、共創的遊戲,進而讓娛樂的選擇從音樂劇開始。
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的


  • 曾經進行版權交易



專頁成員 2

作品數量 2

安徒生(Andersen)是故事大王,莫札特(Mozart)是音樂頑童。 「安徒生和莫札特的創意」成立於2011年,擅長結合音樂與故事的元素,致力創作適合全年齡觀賞,兼顧藝術與娛樂的音樂劇。藉由創新的營運模式,同時建立表演藝術的教育與培訓機制,積極與國際接軌,活絡亞洲的藝文產業鏈,讓表演藝術走入大眾的生活之中,成為彼此共同的話題、共享的時刻、共創的遊戲,進而讓娛樂的選擇從音樂劇開始。

Andersen and Mozart Creative Group (AMcreative) was found in 2011. As a theatrical production group, we focus on musical plays that are suitable for family audience and people of all ages. With innovative business model and collaborations with best talents around the world, we establish our education programs on musical theatre, and determine to infuse vitality and creativity to the performing arts industry in East Asia and all over the world. Our mission -- With musical theatre as an entertainment form, let performing arts be part of our everyday life. Our Services: Theatre Production, Theatre Education, Original IP development, Merchandise Development, and Publishing.








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