校園 運動
A teenager with Autism is hard to communicate with people and his classmates always bully him. However, when he enters the e-sports game, he can predict the actions of other players. While enjoying the game, he meets partners and becomes e-sports master!
《諸神之心》是款擁有高人氣的多人線上戰鬥競技場遊戲,每次的比賽都會提供高額獎金,豐厚的薪水也讓許多遊戲玩家趨之若鶩,已成為職業玩家為目標。 樂樂是個自閉症少年,在社交上有著重重障礙,受到旁人的歧視與霸凌,但自從接觸了《諸神之心》,他發現了在這個遊戲世界中,不會有人用以往的特別眼神看著自己,而自己也可以透過觀察來理解其它的玩家…
“God’s Heart” is a extremely popular MOBA ( multiplayer online battle arena). It offers winners high bonus . A lot of e-sports players are crazy for it and want to be top in “God’s Heart”. Lerler is a teenager with Autism. He is hard to communicate with people and always feel lonely. His classmates not only bully him but also laugh at him sometimes. However, when Lerler starts to play “God’s Heart”, he can totally understand other players in this world. He feels a sense of accomplishment when playing in the game.
夫妻檔漫畫家鮭魚仔與小鯊龍,從大學時代就開始聯手創作。 2005年 - 以《檳榔特攻隊》獲東立漫畫新人獎出道 2006年 - 第一部作品《檳榔特攻隊》在龍少年月刊上開始連載 2007年 - 第二部作品《血黑犬》在龍少年月刊上開始連載 2011年 - 以《血黑犬》獲得金漫獎「最佳少年漫畫類獎」入圍名單之一 2016年 - 第三部作品《SINNERS罪魂使》在龍少年電子月刊上開始連載
The couple of comic artists have been drew since college. In 2005, they debuted in Tong Li Manga Newcomer Award .Their comic works are diverse and interesting.
Volume: 1 (ongoing)