冒險 科幻 治癒
In the world covered by the mechanical sky, Omi, who has amnesia, meets a friend. They use science to help everyone solve various problems, and slowly discovered the secret of the sky above.
本節目隨著主角在冒險過程中所面對的各類難題,逐步引領青少年認識看似艱澀的科學原理,並透過危機的解決,以淺顯方式來理解科學原理的應用。 人類滅亡後的未來世界,大地被機械天空覆蓋。失憶的歐米從機械天空墜落到廢棄的飛船旁,遇見了機械族的小電箱,他們異想天開地運用許多看似不起眼的物品,解決各種科學難題,修好飛船幫助歐米回到天空……機械族跟亞種真的無法成為朋友嗎?機械天空內又隱藏著什麼秘密呢?
In this program, we join the protagonist's adventure, where seemly difficult scientific theories are introduced in an easy way to the youth audience step by step. On the earth where all humanity is wiped out, the sky covering with a mechanic ceiling keeps lowering down. The world is facing an imminent crisis of total destruction. Memory-lost Omi is falling in the sky. He meets a bossy electric box, who is a member of the mechanic race. The duo uses science and petty objects to overcome crises ahead. Will they be able to board an abandoned ship, and reveal the secret behind the mechanic ceiling?