青春校園 浪漫愛情 兩性 其他
2018 實體出版
美術系學生畫布上記載了青澀青春、對老師的愛慕、剛萌芽的愛情、脆弱的友情、還有難以釋懷的校園霸凌。 不懂愛的清秀宅女、不想愛的美少年、再加上受過無數傷害的冷酷才女,三人相愛相殺的惡性循環,永遠沒有終點。
The bittersweet youthage, the adoration of teacher, the crush just beginning, the weakness friendship and the school bullying are all in Yue's painting. The homebody girl, the pretty handsome boy who don't want relationship, and the talented cool girl who suffured a lot, such as an unfinished story about their love-hate relationship.
刺蝟男孩×刺蝟女孩,一段令人揪心刺骨青春愛戀 我們的擁抱帶著刺,注定只能越愛越痛 十六歲那年,我在父母的反對下,獨自到了台北的美術商校就讀,我一直以為我的青春會是畫布的顏色,直到高二下學期,言紹祐搬到我家樓下。 言紹祐是學校的風雲人物、校草、知名模特兒、有錢少爺,但對我來說,他就只是個機車的花心男! 我曾經很討厭、很討厭、很討厭他!但只有他,在我被全校嫌惡,崩潰絕望的時候,留在我身邊。 他說「我幫妳洗掉記憶,重新設定……」然後,吻了我。 從那一天開始,我的愛情就被塗上了唯一的色彩──言紹祐。 我喜歡言紹祐,卻又害怕愛情再度毀掉了自己,所以,我告訴自己,我沒有喜歡他,一遍又一遍。 我以為我好好守住了我的心,就不會有人受到傷害,就像我以為,我可以笑著祝福好友溫麗與他出雙入對一樣。 然而,我的不勇敢,最終傷害了言紹祐、傷害了溫麗,也傷害了我自己。 十八歲那年夏天,我同時失去我所珍視的友情、愛情和夢想……
Hedgehog boy and Hedgehog girl begin a hurting relationship. Yue studied in commercial art school along in Taipei when she was 16. She imagine her colorful school life would like those paintings. In the second year, Yen moved in downstairs of her apartment. Yen is a campus man, a famous model and rich guy. Yue hates Yen for his behavior, but he is also the only one who help her when she was bullied by whole school. Yue crushes Yen but she was afraid the relationship will hurt her again. She told herself that she didn't fall in love with him. She shall give her blessing for Yen and her good friend Wen. But she found that she can't do that. Yue lost all in 18: friendship, love and dreams…
擅長之創作風格題材:奇幻、恐怖靈異、懸疑、愛情 作品獲第10、11屆東立漫畫新人獎少女組入圍、倪匡科幻文學獎第六屆佳作。 POPO原創小說優選《好想好想不想你》、佳作《當冬夜漸暖》、入圍《死靈之森》
Diaomao is good at fantasy, horror, thriller and romantic genes in writing. Her works were nomanited for teenage girl compitition of 10th and 11th Tongli New Comic Talent Awards, Honorable Mention in 6th NiKuang sci-fic Literary Award, Preferred Award in POPO Original Novel Award.