劇情 家庭 其他
2019 實體與數位同步
不論是麻醉及疼痛科醫師,或是民宿業者,其目的都在療癒人心。身為醫師,療癒病人受病痛折磨的心;身為民宿業者,療癒旅人疲憊的心。 敘事者透過一次一次與病人、家屬互動,與鄰居和旅人交談,體悟人生旅程的各種風景。
Some say that anesthesiologists and pilots are similar. A pilot transports travelers safely to their destination, whilst an anesthesiologist safeguards patient's journey to the future. The act of healing people is shared between being an anesthesiologist, running a pain clinic, and managing a B&B. A doctor heals a patient whether tortured by illness or pain, while a B&B owner heals a travelers' exhausted soul.
有時候會有人這樣形容,麻醉醫師的工作跟機師有點像。機師的工作是將旅客安全地送到下一個目的地,麻醉醫師則是將病人安全地護送到未來。 作者在京都的指導教授分別時勉勵他:「作一位好的疼痛科醫師。」幾年後,作者離開西岸大醫院,來到東岸小鎮。一邊經營民宿,一邊擔任醫生。在日復一日的工作與日常中,看見偏鄉的困苦與希望。 在鄉下地方,開一家醫院並不能幫助病人什麼,因為病人平日忙於生存,最後來到醫院時,都已經太晚。 但困苦之中,仍有緊握癌末妻子雙手的長者、夜裡送來水果的老父、失而復得的友人、願意為癌症妹妹挨刀的兄姊……。 苦痛讓作者在診間裡,害怕門診的門被開啟。當門診的門一被開啟,就有病人走進他的生命,就各自受苦,病人為病痛所苦,作者苦他們的病痛。 小鎮醫師們在疲倦的時候努力保持清醒,自勉成為溫柔的人。因為有他們,在黑暗裡,我們仍然看得到希望。
An Anesthesiologist’s Note ‧ I thought that managing a hospital in this rural township wouldn't be much help to the local patients. These patients aren't able to visit the hospital very often. When they are finally able to get here for care, it is often too late. ‧ When “holding on” doesn't teach you to cherish what you have, life will teach you the lesson of “loss”. ‧While I am in the clinic, I dread the moment when the door opens. When the door opens, another patient enters my life, and we both suffer. The patient suffers from their illness, and I suffer from their suffering. ‧ There are times when you don’t know if a miracle is about to happen, or if death is waiting ahead. There are times when you wonder if you are torturing the patient or if it is the other way around. What’s more, you never know if you should keep on trying or just let go. ‧ I believe that when life is at its end and there is a pair of hands to hold tightly, death might not be so frightening. ‧ You will realize that there are still many compassionate doctors fighting for patient's well-being in this nearly broken medical system. When you see them suffering through the shifts of little to no sleep, trying to stay awake when they are worn out, that is when you see hope in the times of darkness.
Doctor at the Anaesthetics and Pain Management of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, anaesthetist at Kuanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, and B&B owner. Whether as an anaesthetist or a B&B owner, his aim is to heal people.