愛情 日常
29歲單身、後青春期女孩,工作忙碌、愛情迷惘、還轉不了大人…… 在雜誌出版社擔任編輯的梓淳,過著和同事打鬧的平凡生活。但眼看著昔日同窗、工作同事們紛紛找到各自歸屬,彷彿滯留原地的她,不時閃躲來自社會對未婚子女的目光。 工作遇到瓶頸,被錯認的愛情傷害,歷經社會摧殘後她還剩下多少力氣追逐夢想? 這是她透過工作與愛情,展開自我探索與蛻變成長的都會日常故事。
MENG Zi-Chun, a single female office worker, thought her life was bland and devoid of meaning—until, in her patriarchal and misogynistic workplace, she finds that life isn't as smooth as she thought. Fed up with being meek and submissive, Zi-Chun begins asserting herself in life. As a window into the plight of women in our modern, fast-paced workplaces, this comic explores what it's like to live in a time when things—and people—are seen as easily expendable. People may become busy and lose their bearings, but they never stop pursuing meaning in their lives.
#daily #workplace #metropolitan love #self-discovery #citygirl
女主角孟梓淳是一名29歲的上班族,未婚單身,在工作和情感上都無特別優秀的表現,生活平淡且規律,總覺得空虛無聊。眼看身邊平輩親友陸續結婚生子,邁向下一個階段,只有她的時間彷彿停在原地。 在重男輕女的家庭、被騷擾的職場中,梓淳發現生活其實並不如自己所想要的平穩、平靜。種種困境令她感到挫折、焦慮、惶恐,然而這也是一直以來習慣逆來順受的她,開始為自己做決定的契機— 以現代都會職場女性為主角,描述生活在快速且人、事、物易被取代的時代,人的感受逐漸被稀釋,但心對情感的渴望,始終沒有消失。 我們變得忙碌、迷惘,卻不曾停止追求生命的意義……
MENG Zi-Chun, a single female office worker, thought her life was bland and devoid of meaning—until, in her patriarchal and misogynistic workplace, she finds that life isn't as smooth as she thought. Fed up with being meek and submissive, Zi-Chun begins asserting herself in life. As a window into the plight of women in our modern, fast-paced workplaces, this comic explores what it's like to live in a time when things—and people—are seen as easily expendable. People may become busy and lose their bearings, but they never stop pursuing meaning in their lives.
臺灣插畫、漫畫家。畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計學系。 擅長手繪水彩與鋼筆速寫、運用墨水展現多彩率性的筆觸。 2018年獲中國吉林動畫學院24小時國際漫畫馬拉松大賽最佳劇情獎。2019年入選法國安古蘭國際漫畫暨影像城駐村創作者。 現為自由創作者,以發表插畫、漫畫為主。於HAHOW平台開設課程「從生活小物到街景,用鋼筆速寫在日子裡旅行」。
Li Yu-ning's pen name, NIN, is inspired by part of her Chinese name (凝, Ning), which means "coalesce". NIN channels this concept in her art, as well as in her life, by concentrating on and bringing into focus anything worth cherishing. NIN has loved to draw and paint ever since she was little, and she was deeply influenced by Japanese manga and anime growing up. After taking art in high school, she went on to earn a degree from the Department of Visual Communication Design at National Taiwan University of the Arts. Driven by an intense desire to tell colorful stories about life, NIN often experiments with fusing together elements of drawing, painting, and graphic design to create illustrations and cartoons that convey fun and quirky perceptions.