
I Want You Back

奇幻 都會城市 職場 勵志 浪漫愛情 穿越

2018 數位出版


I will find you, the voice that brought me back to life.


作者WU Zhan






出版單位Mirror Fiction Inc.

版權擁有 鏡文學股份有限公司

#輕奇幻 #都會愛情 #職人 #穿越 #醫療 #命中注定 #甜寵

#Fantasy #TimeTravel #Destiny #MedicalCare #Love


用盡所有方法一定要找到妳,那個在生死關頭把我救回來的聲音。 李多恩是名外科醫生,擁有「觸碰淚水,便能窺探回憶」的超能力,不只能救活病人,也能治癒他們的心;但是,她自己卻始終走不出八年前消防員男友殉職的痛。某日,帥氣總裁宋仁禹找上門,聲稱多恩16年前救了他一命,開始對她熱烈追求。出身豪門的宋仁禹,因為家族成員爭奪遺產,被栽贓弒父汙名;同時,覬覦家產的弟弟甚至不惜綁架多恩作為誘餌,欲致宋仁禹於死地。 悲劇發生後,宋仁禹心臟一度停止跳動,悲痛的李多恩碰觸他的眼淚回到宋仁禹16年前歷經家暴後的瀕死現場。不願意再次失去摯愛的李多恩,用盡全力大聲喊出「你醒醒!」強大的意志力跨越了時空的藩籬,竟喚醒了宋仁禹即將逝去的靈魂,也解釋了多年前注定的緣分。宋仁禹醒後,洗刷了弒父罪名,兩人決定拋下過去傷痛,攜手勇敢邁向新的人生。 影視對標:《聽見你的聲音》

A heart-melting romance that will fix you with tears. Li Duo-en is a surgeon who has a psychic power that enables her to read people’s memories when she gets in contact of their tears. As a result, she heals not only her patients’ bodies but also their minds. Nonetheless, Li can never get over her late boyfriend, a firefighter who had died in the line of duty eight years ago. One day, Sung Jen-yu, a handsome CEO, comes to Li. Claiming that Li saved his life sixteen years ago, Sung pursues Li with burning passion. Sung comes from a very wealthy family, and as the family members are fighting against each other over the inheritance, he is falsely accused of murdering his father. Meanwhile, Sung’s younger brother, who has always coveted the family assets, even kidnaps Li and uses her as bait to lure Sung into the death trap. When the tragedy happens, Sung’s heart stops beating at some point, and when the heart-broken Li touches his tears, she is brought back to the scene on which Sung nearly died of domestic violence sixteen years ago. Vowing that she will never lose another man she loves, Li musters up all her strength and shouts, “wake up”, at Sung; her incredibly strong willpower overcomes the barriers between different times and spaces and miraculously wakes up Sung’s dying soul. Moreover, this explains why they are destined to be together. After Sung has recovered, he manages to prove that he is innocent of his father’s death. In the end, Li and Sung decide to let go of their painful pasts and begin a new life together.


  • 文本體裁 長篇小說
  • 類型風格 奇幻 、 都會城市 、 職場 、 勵志 、 浪漫愛情 、 穿越
  • 出版年份 2018
  • 出版方式 數位出版
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 午盞 WU Zhan
  • 作者簡介


    WU Zhan is an author whose novels have be published in many web novel sites. She particularly loves themes related to ancient literature, time travel, suspense, and human nature.

  • 譯者
  • 繪者
  • 出版單位 鏡文學股份有限公司 Mirror Fiction Inc.
  • 作品規格(頁數) 0
  • 作品規格(字數) 90000
  • 銷售實績
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結


  • 媒合目的 跨域改編
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 電影 、 劇集 、 節目 、 動畫 、 漫畫 、 遊戲 、 未來內容 、 表演藝術 、 視覺藝術 、 其他