劇情 女性 家庭 成長
Is her "No Problem!" really no problem? Would it be a problem to be "No Problem!"? Let's find it out!
「沒問題!」是一種付出、也是一種承擔,能帶來許多正面的力量!冬菊的故事,就是這麼的簡單又富有哲理的故事。從小冬菊面對父親的重男輕女的心結, 以及自己對兒子軍事化的管理, 造成兩個兒子離她越來越遠。父親與孩子給予她的是一種人生試煉,但唯有放 下心中對父親的怨恨以及對孩子的執著,內心才能海闊天空,讓人生種種的磨難, 都成為助緣開出美麗的花朵。
"No problem" is a giving and also a commitment. It can bring forth positive energy. Dong-ju's story is very simple and also philosophical. Ever since Dong-ju was little, she had to face her father's favoring over boys. She taught her two boys in a military style, but it made them to stay away from her. Her relationships with her father and her sons were trials to her. She had to let go of her grudge against her father, and her demands on her boys that she could open her heart wide. All these trials in life eventually helped her become a beautiful flower.