冒險 治癒 魔幻
Follow Granny Fruity and cute little monsters on a fantasy journey you have never seen before.
《妖果小學》為公視即將登場的新動畫影集《妖果小學堂》院線特別篇,融合台灣兒童喜愛了21年的本土IP《水果冰淇淋》與豐富的妖怪元素,是一部充滿想像力與創意的奇幻動畫影集。 水果奶奶轉化為3D動畫角色,闖入山林秘境,並與一群超能小妖們展開歡樂有趣的學習體驗,小妖們各自擁有不同的魔力,天真任性、個性鮮明,而水果奶奶則以溫柔與智慧,與小妖們一起踏上前所未見的冒險旅程。
"Monster Fruit Academy” is the special cinema episode of PTS upcoming animation series -"Monster Fruit School". In the series, Granny Fruity, the main role from ”Fruity Ice Cream”, a children's television show broadcasting for over 22 years, has now become an animated character. Together with monster power and Taiwan fruits elements, a fantasy adventure has now begun. On the secluded and evergreen path, there is a grandmother with grey hair who enjoys the fragrant forest. While she is concentrating on the map in hand, the white deer statue in front of her gets moving and bites off her map. Leading her to the monster world with rustling sound…