
How to be a Mind Reaver

幽默 冒險 生活 勵志 魔幻 魔法 奇幻 治癒 愛情 其他 青年 少年 後宮


“How to be a Mind Reaver” surrounded the theme, “Mind Control”. The mind magic the lead character, Cthu, masters is not only magic wands or spells but also a sincere please, thank-you and sorry. They are the magic words everyone can use and have.



編劇 賴惟智

編劇 Edd Lai



版權擁有 艾德萊娛樂有限公司

#幽默 #奇幻 #魔法 #長篇連載型 #漫畫 #奪心魔 #親子 #戰鬥 #溫馨 #賴惟智 #EddLai

#family #Comedy #Fantasy #cthu #MindReaver #eddlai #taiwancomic #cthulhu #comic #manga


長相可怕卻個性善良的神祕魔法師「克蘇」,為了為了能安靜的秘密研究學問,在黑暗森林中買下了一座二手地城定居,但時常有冒險者闖入他的地城,讓他十分困擾。不希望自己家變成凶宅的克蘇,每天都一邊拆除地城前主人留下的致命陷阱,一邊救援迷路的冒險者。這天,克蘇遇見了一名小女孩,露娜,她因為魔法天賦而被村民追殺,善良的露娜不但沒有被克蘇可怕的面容嚇倒,還擔心克蘇被自己牽連而叫他快跑,這打動了克蘇,克蘇用心靈控制壓制了村民,拯救了露娜,並決定收留她當學徒。在克蘇的關愛與教導下,露娜的新生活豐富多彩,她學習到了各種關於心靈控制的魔法,也交到了年齡相近的朋友:貝絲與小山怪。貝絲和露娜的出身相似,她在差點被教會燒死時,被一名叛教的聖騎士救下;小山怪因為獨特的種族天賦,他與父母成為獵人覬覦的目標,最後只有他生存了下來。   三名身世悲慘的孤兒,卻在這片人跡罕至的禁忌之地中,找到了家與溫暖。在他們得知了小山怪的父母有復活的可能性後,決心要完成這個艱鉅的目標。

The mysterious wizard, Cthu, is a kind-hearted person with a dreadful appearance. He bought a second-hand dungeon in the dark forest for a quiet environment to do his research. It troubles him, however, to find random adventurers break in his dungeon from time to time. Cthu, who doesn’t want his home to become a haunted house, rescues lost adventurers every day while dismantling the deadly traps left by the former owner of the dungeon. On this day, Cthu met a little girl, Luna. She was chased by the villagers for her magical talent. Instead of being intimidated by Cthu's dreadful face, the kind girl was worried that he would get into trouble and asked him to run. It moved Cthu so much that he suppressed the villagers with mind control, saved Luna, and decided to take her as a pupil. Under Cthu's care and teaching, Luna's new life is colorful. She has learned all kinds of magic about mind control, and she has also made two friends of her own age. They are Beth and Little Troll. Beth and Luna have similar backgrounds. She was rescued by an apostate paladin when she was almost burned to death by the church. Little Troll and his parents had became the coveted target for hunters because of their unique racial talent, and he was the only one who survived. Three orphans with tragic backgrounds have found their homes and warmth in this deserted forbidden place. After they have learned that there is a possibility for Little Troll's parents to be resurrected, they are determined to achieved the difficult goal. To resurrect Little Troll's parents, Little Troll needs to obtain the Tears of the Evil God, the Wrath of the Good God, and the Sigh of the Ancient God. Cthu happens to know that the information about the Evil God is somewhere outside the forest, and the children is planning to start with this information. However, it’s not easy for children to travel away from home, and they have to be well prepared. After the special training arranged by Cthu, the children passed the test beyond all expectations and are ready to embark on their first trip away from home in their lives. There are more interesting stories and adventures in the world outside waiting for them...


漫畫組第三名 2022 原創IP風雲榜
Comic Group TOP 3 2022 Best IP Awards
漫畫類入圍 2022 巴哈姆特遊戲動漫大賞
Nominated 2022 BAHAMUT ACG AWARD
喜劇類入圍 2021 Webtoon Canvas Awards
category of Outstanding Comedy Series Nominated 2021 Webtoon Canvas Awards


  • 體裁規格 動畫影集
  • 動畫媒材 2D動畫
  • 類型風格 幽默 、 冒險 、 生活 、 勵志 、 魔幻 、 魔法 、 奇幻 、 治癒 、 愛情 、 其他 、 青年 、 少年 、 後宮
  • 作品狀態 未發行
  • 製作狀態
  • 動畫分級 普遍級
  • 導演
  • 編劇 賴惟智 Edd Lai
  • 製片/製作人
  • 其他補充資訊

    作品調性打破文化隔閡,具全球市場性,除了在台灣相當有人氣,在歐美也備受矚目,如英文版單行本於2021年底,在美國最大募資平台Kickstarter,創下台灣漫畫募資最高紀錄日幣1,000萬,以及在美國最大的網路平台Webtoon Canvas入圍2021年喜劇類前20名,此單一平台觀看次數就達到1,300多萬次,證明了台灣漫畫在歐美發展的無限可能。

    Edd Lai is a scriptwriter, who has published several novels and three long-running comic series in a Korean company. He is good at short and long stories with movie and animated series in all sorts of genre, including comedy, black humor, horror and drama.

  • 其他參考連結

    Webtoon Canvas

  • 媒合目的 版權交易 、 跨域改編 、 經紀/代理 、 找資金
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 動畫 、 劇集


  • 曾經進行版權交易
    • 版權交易情形


      Video game, Table game



專頁成員 4

作品數量 2

艾德萊娛樂有限公司於2021年成立,是一家來自台灣的漫畫與劇作公司,專注於創造具普世價值的有趣故事,是公司重 cdddd要的核心能力,目標放眼華語和歐美市場,追求永續發展及散播歡樂的經營理念。

Edd Lai Entertainment Ltd. is a Taiwanese visual and dramatic work company established in 2021. Our important core ability is focusing on creating fascinating stories with universal values. While we’re looking ahead to the Chinese, American and European markets, we are upholding our business concept of pursuing stable development and spreading happiness.











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