擁有疑案辦資料庫閱覽的最高權限、熟知古今往來的懸案疑案, 老鳥探員都知道找她協助調查資料、熟悉案件; 主任們默許她的存在,任憑她在書庫和證物庫裡來回穿梭。 看起來不超過15歲的她被困在重大疑案辦公室, 就連存在的時間和空間都是一片渾沌…… 這位謎之人物是棲息在謎團空間的虛幻存在—— 【疑案辦+謎團=疑案謎子!】 為了讓更多探員省下解案基本功, 謎子輕飄飄地預備在Yotube說案囉。
With the highest access authority to the OHSIR database, she knows everything about suspense and unsolved crimes in the past. The senior agents always turn to her for help, and directors acquiesce her existence. In order to help agents save time and energy for basic skills of solving crimes, this girl is ready to give lessons!
#Vtuber #說案 #說書 #虛擬偶像 #疑案辦 #推理 #懸疑
#Vtuber #casetelling #storytelling #virtual idol #OHSIR #suspense #mystery
VTuber全稱「Virtual Youtuber」,譯作「虛擬網紅」,起源於日本,以日本hololive以及Nijisanji(彩虹社)兩間經紀公司為大宗。 除日本市場之外也積極發展英語系國家以及印尼,針對韓國、香港、上海、台北、印度等針對不同是語系與文化的VTuber 。 VTuber的運作方式多為Yuotube平台的直播以及社群的日常互動,目前不論台灣或是全球的Youtube直播贊助(Super Chat)排行,均由VTuber佔據。 DEEP OCEAN為疑案辦暢銷科幻小說,講述以科技回到過去調查懸疑案件的故事,在此架構下,由人工智慧自行產出的擬人系統即為「疑案謎子」,作為疑案辦的專屬虛擬代言人,也是接軌元宇宙的契機。 以「書籍推廣」、「文史傳承」為優先任務,目標成為疑案辦Vtuber的疑案謎子亮相登場!希望將文史資料傳達給更多的人、 將疑案辦的文字轉化成聲音與影像演出。
Originating from Japan, virtual youtubers (Vtuber) take advantage of Youtube channels and other social media to do live broadcastings and interact with their audiences on daily basis. They have occupied the live sponsorship Super Chat ranking, both in Taiwan and in other countries around the world. Deep Ocean: Diving Deep is a sci-fiction work of OHSIR, telling a story that main characters go back to the past to solve the unsolved crime. Under this setting, Miko, an anthropomorphic system produced by AI, has born as the virtual representative and the door to Metaverse as well. Taking “book promotion” and “inheritance of literature and history” as priorities of her task, Miko is providing abundant cultural and historical resources through transforming texts from OHSIR into visual and audio materials.