打從小時候差點被鬼抓交替,黃郁佑就開始了怕鬼人生,就連當兵都抽中下下籤── 鬧鬼出名的青土山軍營, 還到部第一天就被鬼壓床!作為軍營中比鬼還可怕的終極BOSS,營長孫震不信鬼、看不見鬼且眾鬼不侵,可每當他握住郁佑右手臂刺青,似乎總能看見奇怪的東西……?
When he was almost caught by ghosts as a child, Huang Yuyou began to fear ghosts. Even the soldiers were drawn and signed. The famous Qingtushan military camp was haunted, and he was beaten by ghosts on the first day in the army! As the ultimate boss in the military camp that is scarier than ghosts, Battalion Commander Sun Zhen does not believe in ghosts, sees ghosts, and is not invaded by ghosts, but whenever he holds Yu You's right arm with tattoos, he always seems to see strange things...?
任職於遊戲業,最喜歡的是文字遊戲。 影癡,同時也是個動漫畫宅,被朋友們稱作月月,可是一點也不可愛。 個人部落格:https://kevinmoleaf.weebly.com/text 小小粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/KevinMoleaf
Working in the game industry, my favorite is word games. The movie fan is also a manga , called Yueyue by friends, but it's not cute at all. Personal blog: https://kevinmoleaf.weebly.com/text Little fan group: https://www.facebook.com/KevinMoleaf