
Meet You at the Age of 16

愛情 校園 日常






出版單位Ever Glory Publishing Co., Ltd.

版權擁有 長鴻出版社股份有限公司




命運的邂逅?還是造化弄人? 從小期待美好戀曲的亞唯,但為什麼現實卻是…… 對於戀愛的點點滴滴…都是從與你相遇的那年開始… 亞唯憧憬她爸媽的愛情故事, 從小便覺得戀愛是件美妙的事, 但是她總遇到那些只注意她外表的異性。 而在她16歲的那年,他們班上來了一位轉學生, 那位轉學生竟然叫她「醜女」!? 怎麼會有這麼不禮貌的人啊!!

Yawei has longed for the romance story of her parents, and thought falling in love is a wonderful thing since her childhood. However, she has always met boys who only focus on her appearance. And when she is 16 years old, there is a transfer student in her class who called her an “ugly girl”!?


  • 體裁規格 頁漫
  • 類型風格 愛情 、 校園 、 日常
  • 出版狀態 已發行
  • 出版方式 實體與數位同步
    • ISBN(實體)
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 篇幅長度 短篇(對應單行本1本)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 Ting Ting
  • 作者簡介


    Rising from the Candy rookie competition, Ting is adept at describing the sweet and smoothing campus romance story. The passion for painting has stimulated her to involve in various types of illustration, and, aside from comics, she has also drawn illustrations for classical literary works. The published “Meet You at the Age of 16” by her as a rookie is popular with many young people after it is launched into the market. She is a very potential new cartoonist.

  • 出版單位 長鴻出版社股份有限公司 Ever Glory Publishing Co., Ltd.
  • 銷售實績
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