
Offshore Mermaid

LGBTQ 家庭 社會議題/寫實

2021 實體與數位同步


Tzu-Chieh, a victim of bullying, could find help from no one except Wen, whom she met online. Wen helps Tzu-Chieh run away from home, and Tzu-Chieh's parents call the police, but the investigation hits a bottleneck. An old acquaintance of Wen steps forward to share the truth about Wen, including the fact that Wen is a trans woman. Tzu-Chieh is accepting of Wen's identity, and Wen realizes that she is falling for Tzu-Chieh. After much internal struggle, Wen decides to bring Tzu-Chieh home and face the legal consequences of her actions.


作者Ling Lee






出版單位Showwe Information

版權擁有 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司

#霸凌 #跨性別者 #成長



近年,青少年跟著網友蹺家逃學層出不窮,其背後的問題或許並不簡單。本作中,陳紫潔與WEN相隔數年卻都選擇蹺家,反映了台灣長年存在的社會議題:家庭功能退化、校園霸凌、青少年無法自我認同。比起紫潔,WEN又背負著性別不安,其內心的恐懼可想而知。因此,WEN對紫潔有代入感並予以幫助。換言之,本作可說是兩個不安、受傷的孩子,互相理解並找到出路的故事。 本作獲文化部青年創作補助,改編自台灣著名真實事件:白凜事件。除了透過特徵改動、加入更多議題的方式,塑造出兩位主角。作者也學習潛水、查看判決書、尋訪法扶與警調人員,讓劇情、偵查與判決符合現實。 故事中加以刻劃家庭、校園環境,讓讀者身歷情境的體會主角的孤單與無助,理解他們為何逃家。同時,也讓人明白家長、師長、同儕、警方等,主角周遭的人是如何看待此事,進而理解或體諒他們的立場,更能清楚這種事件為何發生。

In recent years, there have been many cases of teenagers running away from home and school. The reasons behind these incidents might be far from simple. The protagonists of this book, Chen Tzu-Chieh and Wen, both chose to run away from home. These two cases, which take place years apart, are a reflection of the social issues that have been plaguing Taiwan for years, such as dysfunctional families, school bullying incidents, and the obstacles teenagers face when trying to establish their self-identity. Compared to Tzu-Chieh, Wen faced even more fears in her teenage years, for she also had to struggle with her gender identity. Because of this, Wen feels a keen sense of empathy for Tzu-Chieh and decides to help her. In other words, this is a story about how two young people has found each other amidst their loss and hurt. With their care and concern for each other, both of them find a way out of the bewilderment of their existence. The author is the recipient of a grant from the Ministry of Culture in support of young writers. The plot has been adapted from the events of the Pai-Lin Incident, which was the talk of the town in Taiwan when it happened. In the characterization of the two protagonists, the author has, besides adapting traits from their real-life counterparts, also included references to more social issues. In addition, the author learned to do research on the internet, read legal verdicts, and visit legal entities and police officers as part of the research effort in order that the plot, investigation process, and outcome of the case in the novel are accurate reflections of what happened in reality. The novel also depicts the characters’ family circumstances and schooling life so that readers can put themselves in the shoes of the characters and feel the intense loneliness and helplessness that prompted them to run away from home. At the same time, this approach will also allow readers to understand how the protagonists’ parents, teachers, peers, police officers, and other people around the protagonists view the incident, subsequently enabling us to understand or sympathize with these different points of view. This inclusive approach will, in turn, offer society a deeper appreciation of the situation.


  • 文本體裁 長篇小說
  • 類型風格 LGBTQ 、 家庭 、 社會議題/寫實
  • 出版年份 2021
  • 出版方式 實體與數位同步
    • ISBN(實體) 9789864454532
    • ISBN(數位)
  • 適合年齡 不分年齡
  • 是否為跨國題材
  • 作者 李笭 Ling Lee
  • 作者簡介


    To write this novel, I learn diving. What I am good at is to transfer everything that I see, I hear and I thought into words. Awarded project grants on Ministry of Culture youth publishing.

  • 譯者
  • 繪者
  • 出版單位 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司 Showwe Information
  • 作品規格(頁數) 242
  • 作品規格(字數) 101142
  • 銷售實績
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的 版權交易 、 跨域改編
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型 電影 、 劇集 、 節目 、 動畫 、 漫畫 、 遊戲 、 未來內容 、 表演藝術 、 圖像授權 、 視覺藝術


  • 曾經進行版權交易



專頁成員 2

作品數量 95

秀威資訊自西元2001年成立以來,與來自全球超過32個國家、逾1500位的作家合作,迄今已出版書種近10000本、IP原創故事3000本以上。 詳盡簡介請參:https://reurl.cc/mLmKv7

Showwe Information was established in 2001 and is now the leading POD digital printing company in Taiwan and the Greater China Region. We have published more than 10,000 titles (including over 3,000 Chinese original IP) by over 1,500 authors from 32 countries around the world.











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