愛情 劇情
彼岸花,開一千年,落一千年,花葉永不相見。情不為因果,緣注定生死。 青春正盛的少年,家庭關係不和睦,同性法通過那天父親出櫃且向母親提出離婚,母親也因此陷入昏迷,也收到遠在基隆的祖母過世的消息。因為意外而回到民國56年,帶著光耀了解「彼岸花」茶室(軍中樂園),從而了解各種女人的哀傷故事,也了解到了自己身世的秘密。
Flower Family, blooming for a thousand years, and falling for a thousand years, the flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not causal, edge destined to death. A young and prosperous youth, family relations were not harmonious. The same-sex law passed that day when his father came out and filed for a divorce with his mother. As a result, his mother fell into a coma and received news of the death of his grandmother far away in Keelung. Because of an accident, he returned to the 56th year, and learned about the "Bi An Hua" tea room (Military Paradise), so that he learned about the sad stories of various women, and also learned the secrets of his own life experience.
乍看出生在幸福美滿家庭的羅光耀 ,卻在一次家庭旅行中,父母在擁擠的人潮中吵架,沒注意到在讀幼稚園的光耀走失。獨自一人在人群中哭泣的他,被一位好心的年輕姐姐所救,那位姐姐帶他到一片滿是彼岸花的花園,並且告訴他關於彼岸花的傳說與故事。光耀的愛情故事,十分坎坷。高中時初嚐戀愛滋味,他卻成為別人的第三者,備受指責只能忍痛割愛;上了大學之後交往的每一段戀情都被劈腿,甚至以各種像是腳臭、沒有性高潮、不買手機給女友等等理由,將錯都推到光耀身上,交過七任女友,使得光耀對於愛情漸漸產生恐懼與不安。不僅情路夠坎坷,連在工作上也四處碰壁,邁入二十五歲,每一份工作卻不到一個月就離職!朋友介紹工作反被陷害導致欠債,甚至幫忙傳個話也成為罪中之惡人,連一個知心好友都沒有,簡直是走霉運到底糟透到極點的人生,而光耀將這一切都怪罪在時常吵架,婚姻不和睦的父母身上。就如同小時候走失那天,年輕姐姐說的彼岸花的傳說:凡是有因就有果,只要聞到彼岸花的香氣,便會與前世產生連結。
At first glance, Luo Guan-gyao was born in a happiness family, but during a family trip, his parents quarreled in a crowded crowd, and they didn't notice that t Guan-gyao was lost. He was crying alone in the crowd, and was rescued by a kind young sister who took him to a garden full of Bian flowers and told him the legends and stories about Bian flowers. Guan-gyao love story is very bumpy. When he first tasted love in high school, he became the third party of others. He was criticized and could only reluctantly give up his love. After college, every love affair was cheated, even with all kinds of bad feet, no orgasm, and no buying mobile etc… They pushed all the mistakes to Guan-gyao. After dating seven girlfriends, he gradually became afraid and uneasy about love. Not only is the love bumpy, but he also runs into trouble at work. At the age of twenty-five, he leaves every job in less than a month! A friend introduced a job and was framed, leading to debts, and even helping to spread a message became the wicked person in the crime. Not even a close friend was a life of bad luck to the extreme, and Guan-gyao blamed all of this. Frequent quarrels and parents whose marriages are not harmonious. It's like the legend of Bianhua that the young elder sister said when she was lost when she was a child: If there is a cause, there will be an effect. As long as you smell the scent of Bianhua, you will have a connection with your previous life.