
Rainbow Kingdom

奇幻 冒險


Dahua and Xiaojie from the third class of Hauni Elementary School, because of the rainbow that appeared at the alley after a heavy rain, stepped onto the rainbow channel but accidentally entered the Rainbow Kingdom and embarked on a fantasy adventure.







版權擁有 嚴選娛樂電影製作有限公司

#奇幻冒險 #英雄拯救世界

#Fantasy adventure, heroes save the world


天空下著大雨,虹霓國小三年十班的班會在雨聲伴奏下吵成一團,原因是班長張 大華和康樂股長王曉潔為了校慶班級才藝比賽的表演內容爭執不休。大華認為優 美的大合唱最能獲得評審認同,曉潔則堅持活潑的舞蹈表演才有機會勝出。 大雨直到放學時分才停歇,住在同一個社區的大華和曉潔冤家路窄,在回家的路 上繼續班會上的爭論,連天上出現的美麗彩虹也無法引起他們注意,但就在他們 一轉彎,來到社區巷口時,眼前的景象讓兩人赫然安靜下來,愣住了。 天空那道彩虹從天上長長延伸到地面,就落在巷子口,將地面染成了七彩。曉潔 好奇,想要試著踩踏,大華警告她當心,但其實自己也忍不住好奇,於是兩人一 起走上被彩虹染色的路面,沒想到,竟然就被捲進一道彩虹漩渦,轉啊轉啊,轉 得暈頭轉向... 當大華、曉潔終於停止旋轉、好不容易回過神來之後,他們驚訝地發現身旁的景 象完全不同了,他們竟然在一個充滿繽紛花朵的草原上,一旁還有七名身穿鮮豔 戰士袍的人,以及一名打扮得像是童話公主的女生。 七名戰士和公主顯然和大華、曉潔一樣驚訝,其中一位穿紅色戰袍的女戰士更是 兇巴巴地質問他們是誰?彩虹仙子在哪裡?他們是不是黑大王的手下?各種莫 名奇妙的問題讓大華、曉潔不知如何回答,鬧了好半天才搞清楚一件事:他們現 在離家很遠很遠,他們踩上的七彩路面原來叫做彩虹通道,通過彩虹通道,他們 已經來到了彩虹王國!

It is raining heavily in the sky, and the class of the tenth class of Hongni Elementary School will quarrel with the sound of rain. The reason is that the class leader Zhang Dahua and Recreation Unit Chief Wang Xiaojie are arguing over the performance content of the school celebration class talent competition. Dahua thinks excellent The chorus of the United States is the most recognized by the judges, while Xiaojie insists on the lively dance performance to have the chance to win. The heavy rain did not stop until after school. Dahua and Xiaojie, who live in the same community, had a narrow road and were on their way home. Continuing the debate at the work meeting, even the beautiful rainbow that appeared in the sky could not attract their attention, but it was in them. Turning around, when they came to the alley of the community, the scene in front of them calmed down and was stunned. The rainbow in the sky stretched from the sky to the ground, and it fell at the entrance of the alley, dyeing the ground colorful. Xiaojie Curious, wanting to try to step on, Dahua warned her to be careful, but in fact, she couldn't help being curious, so the two of them went together. I got up on the rainbow-stained pavement, unexpectedly, I was drawn into a rainbow vortex, turning and turning, turning Got dizzy... When Dahua and Xiaojie finally stopped spinning and finally came back to their senses, they were surprised to find the scenery beside them. The elephants are completely different. They are on a grassland full of colorful flowers. A man in a warrior robe, and a girl dressed as a fairy princess. The seven warriors and princesses are obviously as surprised as Dahua and Xiaojie, and one of the female warriors in a red shirt is even more surprised The fierce Baba asked who they are? Where are the rainbow fairies? Are they under the Black King? All kinds of Mo Dahua and Xiaojie didn’t know how to answer this famous question. It took a long time to figure out one thing: They found Far away from home, the colorful pavement they stepped on was originally called the Rainbow Channel. Through the Rainbow Channel, they Has come to the Rainbow Kingdom!


  • 體裁規格(單集長度) 30-60 分鐘
  • 體裁規格(一季集數) 6-10 集
  • 類型風格 奇幻 、 冒險
  • 作品狀態 未發行
  • 製作狀態
  • 目標觀眾 兒童
  • 導演
  • 編劇
  • 製作人
  • 長度(分鐘)
  • 集數
  • 其他補充資訊

  • 其他參考連結

  • 媒合目的 版權交易 、 跨域改編 、 找資金
    • 跨域改編-期待改編類型


  • 曾經進行版權交易



專頁成員 3

作品數量 17


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