女性 劇情
The story explores the plight of middle-class women from the point of view of the female protagonist, and brings out the hidden issues of "wealth" and "class" in society in a realistic social issue in the context of women's self-awareness.
當代台灣社會資本遊戲所導致的貧富差距,人們在其中被物化、工具化,而這同時也是全球性的焦點議題。 另一方面,是女性在父權與資本的雙重壓迫底下,宛如蜉蝣般的宿命,女性成為失去自主權的個體,任人宰割,她們擁有的自由只能是他人規定的自由。而人們淪入深淵,就像日蝕逐漸遮蔽陽光......
The gap between the rich and the poor caused by the capitalist game in contemporary Taiwan society, in which people are objectified and instrumentalized, is at the same time a global issue of focus. On the other hand, under the double oppression of patriarchy and capital, women are fated to become like mayflies, losing their autonomy and being at the mercy of others. And people fall into the abyss, just like the eclipse gradually obscures the sunlight ......