一、IP MEETUP by TAICCA 平台(以下稱「本平台」)係由文化內容策進院(以
(8)行使個人資料權利方式:依個人資料保護法第 3 條規定,您就您的個人資料享有查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除之權利。您可以聯繫我們提出您的請求,「本平台」將於收悉您的請求後儘速處理。
為便於日後辨識及提供「本服務」所需,當您使用「本服務」時,「本平台」可能會在您的電腦或其他連網設備上設定與存取Cookie或其他類似技術。您可以透過設定您的個人電腦或其他連網設備,決定是否允許Cookie或其他類似技術的使用,若您關閉Cookie 或其他類似技術時,可能會造成您使用「本服務」時之不便利或部分功能限制。
1. IP MEETUP is established and operated by Taiwan Creative Content Agency ("TAICCA") and provides you with the related service and function (the "Service"). IP MEETUP and TAICCA will collect, process and use your personal information in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act of Taiwan, R.O.C. (the "PDPA") and this Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy (the "Policy"), and shall provide you with necessary protection to your right of personal data.
2. Prior to the use of the Service, you shall ensure you review and accept all provisions of the Policy. If you shall not accept all or part of the Policy, you shall not use the Service.
3. Sphere of Application: The Policy shall only apply to the collection, processing and use of your personal data by IP MEETUP and TAICCA other than any other organization, company or individual owned or controlled by TAICCA. You may access third-party website through IP MEETUP. IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not be responsible for the collection made by such third-party website.
4. According to the PDPA, IP MEETUP hereby provides you with the following information:
(1) The name of the agency collecting personal data: Taiwan Creative Content Agency ("TAICCA").
(2) The purpose of the collection: To provide the services, marketing, contracts, agreements and other legal matters, consumer and customer management and services, e-commerce services, advertising and commercial management provided by IP MEETUP, and other business as provided the organization charter of TAICCA.
(3) The categories of the personal data to be collected: Identification (name, address, contact number, email address, FB account or other information provided by community, etc.), characteristic (age, gender, date of birth, etc.), social and cultural attributes (hobbies, leisure activities, lifestyle, consumption habits, etc.) and others (email correspondence, website messages, system automatic tracking records, etc.).
(4) The time period of which the personal data is used: For as long as membership remains valid and within 6 months after termination of the membership, or for non-members 6 months after the purpose of the data collection is no longer valid.
(5) The territory of which the personal data is used: The location of IP MEETUP's business operation and host server, which are mainly based in Taiwan, R.O.C.
(6) The recipients of which the personal data is used: IP MEETUP and its contractors.
(7) The methods of which the personal data is used: Data shall be used according to the above-mentioned purpose and this Policy.
(8) The methods to exercise your right to personal information: Under Article 3 of the PDPA, you may request to inquire or review your personal data, request for a copy of your personal data, request to add to or correct your personal data, request to stop the collection, processing, or use of your personal data, and request to delete your personal data. You may contact us to make your request, and IP MEETUP will process the request after receipt as soon as possible.
(9) Filling in optional information: If the personal data requested is stated as optional, not filling these items in will not affect your right to use the Service. Filling these items in will enable the Service to provide a better experience on IP MEETUP.
5. COLLECTION, PROCESSING AND USE OF PERSONAL DATA The personal data collected by IP MEETUP shall only be used within the purpose of the collection. IP MEETUP shall not provide your personal data to any third party or use for any other purpose except with your prior approval or in compliance with the related laws. IP MEETUP shall not provide your personal data to any third party except providing the same to judicial authority, prosecutor, competent authority in compliance with laws or contractors of IP MEETUP for purpose of related activities.
To improve the quality of the Service, IP MEETUP may collect information in relation to the activities in which you participate through the Service. The activity information IP MEETUP may collect shall include:
(1) Your browsing record with the Service.
(2) The text or audio record as you use the function of meeting or chat.
(3) The communication or share record by and between you and another member.
(4) The transaction between you and another member.
The foregoing activity information collected by IP MEETUP shall be used within the purpose of providing you with the Service. To protect your personal data, IP MEETUP shall de-identify your personal data before any use outside the purpose of providing the Service.
For later identification and use of the Service, as you use the Service, IP MEETUP may set and access cookie or similar technology in your computer or other devices. You may determine whether or not to accept cookie in your computer settings or Internet settings.
It may result in reduced functionality or disabling of certain features of the Service provided you turn off cookie or similar technology.
To protect the security of your account and personal data, you shall not provide your account and password to any third party or allow any third party to apply account and password with your personal data, or you shall be liable for any result thereof. In case of any doubt that your account and password are divulged, you shall reset your password immediately or notify IP MEETUP to suspend your account (IP MEETUP may check your personal information to confirm your identity).
In the event of any revision of this Policy, the revised provisions will be announced on IP MEETUP from time to time. You shall cease to use the Service provided you disapprove the revised Policy and notify IP MEETUP to cease collection, processing and use of your personal data according to this Policy.