

一、歡迎您使用 IP MEETUP by TAICCA 平台(以下稱「本平台」)所提供的服務及功能(以下合稱「本服務」)。「本平台」係由文化內容策進院(以下稱「TAICCA」)設置及營運,並向您提供「本服務」所包含的所有服務及功能。

二、當您使用「本服務」時,不論您是否為 IP MEETUP 會員,均視為您已經同意遵守本 IP MEETUP 使用者條款(以下稱「本條款」)以及「本平台」上所有當時公告及適用的規範與政策(包括但不限於「隱私權與個人資料保護政策」及所有其他的法律文件,以下合稱「使用協議」)。於開始使用「本服務」前,您應先行確認您已經瞭解並同意接受「使用協議」的全部內容。如果您不同意接受「使用協議」當中的任何部分,請勿使用「本服務」;如果您已經開始使用,您應停止使用「本服務」。




五、為了使用「本服務」的完整服務及功能,您必須申請成為「本服務」的會員並取得 IP MEETUP 會員帳號。您同意「本平台」與「TAICCA」得依據「隱私權與個人資料保護政策」(https://ip.taicca.tw/index/tos)之規範使用您所提供的資訊及資料。當您依據「本平台」之規定申請建立專頁,並經「本平台」審核通過,或申請加入現有專頁,並經專頁管理員審核通過,您的會員帳號即成為可享有「本平台」所提供之專頁功能相關服務之會員身份(以下稱「進階會員」)。進階會員所享有之功能,應依據使用當時「本平台」


六、您保證並確認您所提供的會員資料(包括以進階會員身份在專頁上提供的資料)均為真實、正確,如果有異動時應立即進入「本平台」修改。如果您所提供的會員資料非真實或不正確,因而導致您無法正確使用「本服務」全部或一部份的服務及功能,「本平台」與「TAICCA」無須負擔任何責任,且「本平台」有權暫停或終止您的 IP MEETUP 會員資格及使用「本服務」之權利。

七、您瞭解並同意,IP MEETUP 會員帳號之使用權限專屬於您個人所有,您不得將您的 IP MEETUP 會員帳號出借給他人使用;「本平台」並不允許多人共用同一組會員帳號。

八、您應妥善保存您的 IP MEETUP 會員帳號及密碼,「本平台」係依據該組帳號及密碼來認定您的 IP MEETUP 會員身分。您同意任何以您的 IPMEETUP 會員帳號及密碼登入使用「本服務」之行為(不論事實上是否由您所為),均視為您的行為,並由您負起相關權利與義務。若您具備進階會員身份,您在專頁上所為之一切行為,均視為已獲得該特定公司或組織之授權,因而產生之權利義務亦應歸屬於該公司或組織。如果您懷疑密碼可能外洩,請立即至「本平台」更新您的密碼。如果您的帳號及密碼遭到竊取或非法使用,您應立即通知「本平台」,並向司法機關提出申告,以確保您的權益。










十六、如果您的 IP MEETUP 會員帳號具備進階會員身份,您可將「授權內容」上傳至您在「本平台」上使用、管理的專頁。您可以藉由「本服務」使用您的「授權內容」行銷您的業務或創作事業。除非您具有「授權內容」充足的合法權利,或已經取得擁有「授權內容」相關權利之第三方的許可,否則您不得將「授權內容」上傳至「本平台」。對於您以上傳或任何其他方式提供予「本平台」的「授權內容」,以及您藉由「本服務」使用此等「授權內容」的所有行為,應由您承擔相關的法律責任。如「TAICCA」因您違反前述規定遭第三人主張權利或遭行政機關裁罰時,您應依「TAICCA」指示負責配合「TAICCA」處理;「TAICCA」如因此蒙受任何損害,並得向您請求損害賠償(包括但不限於律師費、訴訟費、和解金、行政罰鍰、罰金、賠償金、利息)。「本平台」有權使用各種措施(包括但不限於自動化系統)分析、處理您上傳的「授權內容」,以偵測是否存在違法、侵權或其他濫用行為(包括但不限於具有侵權風險的內容、惡意軟體及其他違法內容)。







二十三、您應自行負擔保存、備份您所上傳的「授權內容」,「本平台」對於您所上傳的「授權內容」並不負擔任何保存、備份的義務,亦無義務依據您 的要求向您提供「授權內容」的任何副本。

伍、IP MEETUP 會員權利及義務

二十四、如果您註冊成為 IP MEETUP 會員,您將可以依據「本條款」、「使用協議」等相關規範使用「本服務」所提供的功能與服務,包括但不限於瀏覽其他 IP MEETUP 會員所提供的「授權內容」,及「本平台」與「TAICCA」所提供的各項線上與線下服務。您有權隨時自行決定終止您的 IP MEETUP 會員身份並通知「本平台」,「本平台」於接到您的通知後將會盡快終止您的會員身份,並停止向您提供會員服務。








因您使用「本服務」所產生或與之相關的任何間接、特殊、附隨、 衍生之損害賠償或懲罰性損害賠償;


三十一、您瞭解並同意「本平台」對於「本服務」中所包含之非由「本服務」所提供的資料及內容,包括但不限於第三方連結、由第三方或其他使用者所提供的資料及內容(例如其他 IP MEETUP 會員所上傳的「授權內容」),並不保證其真實性、正確性、合法性及可商業性;您應自行評估並判斷是否信任及使用此等資料及內容。






1.Welcome to use the service provided by IP MEETUP (the "Service"). IP MEETUP is established and operated by Taiwan Creative Content Agency ("TAICCA") and provides you with the Service.

2.It shall be deemed as your acceptance to this term of use of IP MEETUP (the "TOU") and all then-current announcement and regulation/policy (including without limitation the "Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy" and all other documents, collectively, the "Agreement") as you use the Service regardless of whether you are the member of IP MEETUP or use your own or other's account of IP MEETUP (e.g. the account or your company or organization).
Prior to the use of the Service, you shall ensure you understand and accept all provisions of the Agreement. If you shall not accept any part of the Agreement, you shall not use the Service, or you shall cease to use Service in case you are using the Service.

3.In the event you are a minor according to the laws of Taiwan, R.O.C. (subject to the then-current laws), you shall ensure to obtain the approval from your legal guardian before you start to use the Service. Any legal liabilities arising out of your breach of the foregoing commitment shall not be borne by IP MEETUP or TAICCA.

4.In the event you apply for the Premium (defined as below) on behalf of certain company or organization, you shall ensure necessary authorization of the use shall be given by such company or organization. You shall agree any and all functions and rights contained in the Premium shall be owned by such company or organization, including without limitation all information, data and Licensed Content uploaded to the MyBiz Page (defined as below). If your authorization to use and manage the MyBiz Page on behalf of certain company or organization is terminated, you shall cease to use the function of Premium and transfer such authorization to the party designated by such company or organization. If you are the sole Premium of the MyBiz Page, you shall advise IP MEETUP immediately.
Any legal liabilities arising out of your breach of the foregoing commitment shall not be borne by IP MEETUP or TAICCA and shall be solely taken by yourself.


5.To use full service and function of the Service, you shall apply the membership of the Service and acquire the account of IP MEETUP. You agree that IP MEETUP and TAICCA may use the information and data provided by you in compliance with the "Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy"
(https://ip.taicca.tw/). As you create a MyBiz Page and approved by IP MEETUP, or join a MyBiz Page and approved by its administrator, your account of IP MEETUP will be upgraded and may use the functions of the MyBiz Page provided by IP MEETUP (the “Premium”). The functions for the Premium shall be subject to the then-current actual functions provided by IP MEETUP. IP MEETUP shall have the right to change and modify the functions for the Premium from time to time.

6. You shall ensure the member information provided by you (including that provided on the MyBiz Page through your Premium membership) shall be true and correct and shall immediately modified by you in case of any change thereof. In the event the member information provided by you is false or incorrect, and therefore you cannot use all or part of the service and function of the Service, IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not take any responsibilities derived therefrom, and IP MEETUP shall have the right to suspend or terminate your membership of IP MEETUP and the right to use the Service.

7. You shall understand and agree that the authority of account of IP MEETUP shall be solely owned by you, and you shall not allow any other person to use your IP MEETUP account. It is not allowed to co-own an IP MEETUP account by two or more persons.

8. You shall carefully keep your account and password of IP MEETUP membership. IP MEETUP shall confirm your membership by such account and password. You agree that all the use of the Service through your account and password of IP MEETUP (regardless of whether by you) shall be deemed as your activities, and you shall take all responsibilities derived therefrom. If you are the Premium, your activities on the MyBiz Page shall be deemed as authorized by such certain company or organization, and any and all rights and obligations derived therefrom
shall be held by such company or organization. In case of any doubt that the password is divulged, you shall reset your password immediately. In the event of theft or unauthorized use of your account and password, you shall notify IP MEETUP immediately and report to the judicial authority to ensure your right and interest.


9. IP MEETUP shall provide you with the Service on "as-is" basis. You understand and agree IP MEETUP shall have the right to add, cancel or modify all or part of the service and function of the Service and IP MEETUP shall not bear any liability arising out thereof.

10. The information, data and Licensed Content (defined as below) provided by you will be made available to the public by the Service through IP MEETUP and other media of TAICCA according to the Agreement. The Service will assist you in communication, negotiation with third party to promote transaction. You understand and agree that any liability derived from activity done by the foregoing third party shall be borne solely by such third party. IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not be liable for the correctness and legality of such third-party activity.

11. In the event you make a transaction, enter into contract or engage in any other commercial or non-commercial cooperation with third party through the Service, you shall by yourself evaluate the correctness and legality of the information provided by such third party and the risk, result and feasibility of such transaction, and the Service will not involve in such negotiation, transaction and cooperation. IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not bear any liabilities derived from the risk, result and feasibility of such negotiation, transaction and cooperation.

12. You shall ensure all information and data provided by you through the Service shall be true and legal. If you violate the foregoing commitment, you shall take all responsibilities resulting therefrom, and shall compensate TAICCA for damage (if any) derived therefrom (including without limitation attorney fee, litigation cost, settlement amount, fine, penalty, compensation, interest, etc.).

13.The result of use of the Service may cause you to acquire reward or subsidy provided by TAICCA or other organizations, provided, however, whether or not acquiring such reward and subsidy shall depend on the regulation and review thereof. IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not ensure you may acquire such reward or subsidy through the Service.

14. You understand and agree that the TOU and the Agreement shall constitute the contract among you, IP MEETUP and TAICCA, and under certain circumstances you shall agree and sign certain legal document to use full function of the Service (e.g. the agreement related to exhibition held by the Service).


15. When you use the Service, you may provide IP MEETUP with video, audio (including music and other audio file), image, photo, text, trademark, software, and all other materials protected by copyright law or other intellectual property right laws. It shall be deemed as your acceptance to grant IP MEETUP and TAICCA to use such materials according to the TOU and the Agreement upon your upload of such materials (collectively, the "Licensed Content").

16. If you have Premium account of IP MEETUP, you may upload the Licensed Content to the MyBiz Page of IP MEETUP used and managed by you. You may use your Licensed Content to promote your business or occupational activity. Unless you have sufficient right to use the Licensed Content or sufficient authorization from the third party owning the right of the same, you shall not upload the Licensed Content to IP MEETUP. You shall bear all liabilities derived from the Licensed Content uploaded or in any method provided to IP MEETUP by you and your use of the Licensed Content through the Service. You shall assist TAICCA with TAICCA’s direction if any third party makes a claim against TAICCA or any competent authority adjudicates TAICCA due to your violation of the above-mentioned provision and shall compensate TAICCA for damage (if any) derived therefrom (including without limitation attorney fee, litigation cost, settlement amount, fine, penalty, compensation, interest, etc.). IP MEETUP shall have the right to detect if there is any illegal action, infringement, or other misuse (including without limitation infringing content, malware, and other illegal content) by analyzing, processing the Licensed Content uploaded by you with any measure (including without limitation automatic system).

17. Notwithstanding you upload the Licensed Content to IP MEETUP, the rights of the Licensed Content shall be reserved by you or the third party owning the related rights of the Licensed Content. The Licensed Content shall be solely authorized to IP MEETUP, TAICCA and the user of the Service subject to the TOU and the Agreement.

18. It shall be deemed as your irrevocable approval to grant IP MEETUP and TAICCA a non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable and worldwide license as you upload or by any method provide the Licensed Content to IP MEETUP, and therefore IP MEETUP and TAICCA may by any method use such Licensed Content for the purpose of the Service.

19. It shall be deemed as your irrevocable approval to grant the users of the Service a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-sublicensable and worldwide license as the users of the Service access your Licensed Content through the Service, and therefore such users may browse, download, and reproduce such Licensed Content for the purpose of the Service. For avoidance of any doubt, such license shall not include any use outside the Service.

20. You may remove the Licensed Content uploaded by you from IP MEETUP from time to time. Upon your remove of such Licensed Content, the license provided according to article 18 shall be terminated and IP MEETUP will not publicly display such Licensed Content, provided, however, IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall have the right to use such removed Licensed Content solely for the purpose of archive and data analysis continuously. The effectiveness and validity of the use of such Licensed Content by IP MEETUP, TAICCA and other users of the Service according to the article 18 and 19 of the TOU prior to your remove of the same shall not be affected.

21.IP MEETUP shall have the right to, in its sole discretion, remove all or part of certain Licensed Content provided IP MEETUP reasonably considers that any Licensed Content could violate laws, the TOU or any of the Agreement, or could damage IP MEETUP, TAICCA, users of the Service or any third party. IP MEETUP will advise you the reason of such remove after doing so except such notice could:
(1)violate any laws or disturb any enforcement of competent authority; 
(2)affect the investigation of the cause of remove; 
(3)damage IP MEETUP, TAICCA, users of the Service or any third party.

22. You may advise IP MEETUP with relating evidence provided you think any Licensed Content infringes your copyright, any other intellectual property right or any other right. IP MEETUP will determine whether or not to remove such Licensed Content from the Service according to the evidence provided by you and all other facts. You shall understand and accept that IP MEETUP and TAICCA are not competent authorities and shall not have the power and authority to judge any such dispute. Any dispute raised by you regarding any Licensed Content shall be solely the dispute between you and the party uploading the Licensed Content and shall be judged by competent authority.

23. You shall keep and backup the Licensed Content uploaded by you. IP MEETUP shall not have the obligation to keep or backup the Licensed Content uploaded by you or provide you with any copy of the same upon your request.


24. Upon your registration for the membership of IP MEETUP, you may use the function and service provided by the Service according to the TOU, the Agreement and relating regulations, including without limitation browsing the Licensed Content provided by other members of IP MEETUP and using all online/offline service provided by IP MEETUP and TAICCA. You shall have the right to terminate your membership from time to time and advise IP MEETUP. IP MEETUP will terminate your membership as soon as possible after receiving your notice and cease to provide service.

25. You shall agree that you shall not engage in the following activities, and IP MEETUP shall have the right to, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate your right to use all or part of the Service if you engage in any of the following activities:
a. Violation of the laws of Taiwan, R.O.C. and Internet rules;
b. Activity (or intention) to destroy, disturb or hack data, function, system of IP MEETUP;
c. Posting advertisement (except reasonable promotion activity with the function provided by the Service), libel, slander or infringing text, image or files on IP MEETUP;
d. Infringement against any third party's intellectual property right by announcement of text, image or any kind of files through the Service;
e. Access, reproduction, download, transmission, broadcast, display, sale, license, modification, or any use of any part of the Service or Licensed Content except: (1) you have sufficient authorization according to the TOU;
or (2) you have prior written approval from IP MEETUP or copyright owner;
f. Circumvention, suspension or fraud act to participate or disturb any part of the Service (or intention to do so);
g. Access to the content contained in the Service by any automatic tool (e.g. robot);
h. Collection or selection of any information identifying individual (e.g. account name) except reasonable act with the function provided by the Service;
i. Announcement of any unauthorized promotion materials or commercial content through the Service or other disturbing or junk mail;
j. Misuse of any report, accusation, complaint or raising dispute mechanism, including without limitation provide unfounded, unreasonable report to IP MEETUP.

26. You shall agree that IP MEETUP may record, analyze your activity of using the Service, including without limitation browse, access, text or video meeting through the function of the Service, for the purpose of reference to provide you with the service and function of the Service.

27. Transfer from enterprise membership to MyBiz Page: If you are the employee or agent of certain company or organization with enterprise membership account of IP MEETUP and have obtained authorization of such company or organization, you may apply for a MyBiz Page on behalf of such company or organization and transfer the information from former enterprise membership account to the MyBiz Page. You shall understand and accept IP MEETUP shall not ensure you may fully retrieve all information under the former enterprise membership account of your company/organization. The Service shall only provide limited function and service toward the same.


28. You shall accept that IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not be responsible to any direct or indirect damage incurred by you provided all or part of the Service being suspended or interrupted due to following matters:
a. Relocation, replacement, upgrade, maintenance or repair for hardware and software of the Service or IP MEETUP;
b. Suspension or interruption of the Service due to act of God or other matters of force majeure;
c. Suspension or interruption of the Service due to computer virus or hacking; d. Suspension or interruption of the Service due to requirement by competent authority or judicial authority;
e. Suspension or interruption of the Service due to any other causes not attributable to IP MEETUP.


29. You shall accept that IP MEETUP and TAICCA shall not be responsible for the following matters:
a. Any indirect, special, collateral, derivative compensation or penalty arising out of or related to your use of the Service;
b. Any profit loss, business loss, commercial opportunity loss, value impairment, or any other kind of loss arising out of or related to your use
of the Service, including without limitation: (1) deletion, alternation, transmission error or unable to save of the file you store or transmit through the Service; (2) limitation, suspension or termination of member account; (3) download or share of the information (including personal information) by you through the Service; (4) unauthorized access to your member account or any Licensed Content uploaded by you; (5) any third party website or link outside the Service provided by the Service or any third party; (6) any activity, transaction or participation through the matchmaking activity held by the Service.
c. Any result and damage arising out of any third party's error, illegal act or matter of force majeure.
d. Any losses and damages resulting from the dispute due to the Licensed Content removed according to article 22.

30. Within the scope permitted by laws, the liability borne by IP MEETUP and
TAICCA due to your claim for any loss or damage incurred by you derived from the use of the Service shall not exceed ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND NEW TAIWAN DOLLARS (NT$ 100,000).


31. You shall understand and accept that IP MEETUP shall not ensure the truth, correctness, legality and commercial feasibility of any information and content not provided by the Service, including without limitation third party link and any information and content provided by other users. You shall by yourself evaluate such information and content.

32. IP MEETUP shall have the right to revise the TOU and any Agreement from time to time without individually advising you, other members and users of the Service. The revised provisions shall be announced on IP MEETUP and replace original provisions immediately. You shall review the latest version of the TOU and the Agreement from time to time. You shall immediately advise IP MEETUP to terminate your membership provided you disapprove the revised TOU or Agreement and cease to use the Service. It shall be deemed as your acceptance of the revised TOU and the Agreement provided you continuously use the Service after revising of the TOU and the Agreement.

33. The TOU and the Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between you and IP MEETUP regarding the Service, and shall be governed by the laws and regulations of Taiwan, R.O.C.

34. IP MEETUP will with its best effort to discuss with you in good faith in the event of any dispute arising out of your use of the Service. If such dispute may not be resolved through negotiation, you shall agree that the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance for such dispute.