



Dandelooo is a French award-winning creative company based in Paris dedicated to the development, production and distribution of original and ambitious animated programs.

Dandelooo’s productions include the hybrid pre-school series The Treehouse Stories (three seasons on air, a 4th in production and two theatrical films), which won an International Emmy Kids Award in 2017, Stinky Dog (52 x 11' for France Televisions and TV3 Catalunya), the wonderful TV Special Mum is pouring rain (winner of a Jury Award for a TV Special at Annecy 2021) to Canal+, Chico Chica Boumba (M6) and the animated feature film Houdini. (France 3).

The company has now started production for the pre-school series Billy the Cowboy Hamster (52 x 11') and is about to start production for The Upside Down River (8 x 26') a serialized series for kids based on the cult novel by Jean Claude Mourlevat. Dandelooo is also developing loguis, an original project to initiate yoga for preschoolers.

On the international sales front, Dandelooo is very proud to distribute Shooom's Odyssey (Annecy Cristal 2020 as best TV Special), the preschool series Jasmine and Jambo and the new meaningful Dounia.

Dandelooo has its own studio, Ooolala, in la Cartoucherie (Valence, France) and a sales office in Barcelona, Spain.

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Radio & television
Main business
Awards and honors
International Emmy Kids Awards with The Treehouse Stories series in 2017.
Award for Best producer of the year in France 2017 Cartoon Forum.
Several of the programs we represent are awarded in the best festivals around the world.
Company-owned works
Shooom's Odyssey, Pompon Little Bear, Petit, Taina, Jasmine and Jambo, Dounia, Royals Next Door, The Tiniest Man in the World.
Melissa Vega
Contact Number
Contact e-mail
36 boulevard de la Bastille 75012 Paris, France