Entertainment Lifestyle Competition

Top Dog

Production case

Six celebrities go to a home for stray dogs to choose their own doggie ​​teammates. The group is then divided into two teams. After three months of training and spending time together, the celebrities and their furry companions get to know each other better. With the training and guidance of experts, the dogs learn to follow detailed instructions. Together they will join three competitions: an agility competition, a maze competition, and an obstacle course. The winning team will receive a special prize. Through a series of adventures, the furry animals learn to trust their human friends again. With the help of these celebrities, they have the chance to find new adoptive families and live a happy life.

Director / 羅安得
Writer /
Producer / 彭維昱、吳雅雯
Copyright ownership / Bossdom Digiinnovation


As Taiwan’s birthrate has become critically low in recently years, many people now choose to adopt pets as their long-term companions. Taiwan’s stray dogs problem has always garnered much attention. Through a reality show focused on stray animals, correct concepts about adopting and protecting animals can be promoted. Dog owners can learn how to build healthy relationships with their pets based on mutual trust and fun interaction. As reality shows featuring pets are rare in Taiwan, this show aims to be more than an entertainment show. By showing the warm feelings and close relationships between celebrities and their furry friends, this show hopes to help stray dogs find loving adoptive families.

Television show information
Reality show
Production case
Royalty / Copyright Trade
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